Chapter 28

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I had my back against my car door and I kept my eyes on my attacker. The cut in my arm was burning and I could tell it was deep. I took a handkerchief out of my pocket and tied  it around the cut, stopping the bleeding somewhat. My attacker was panting and her pupils were extremely constricted and shaking. Her right hand was clutching the handle of the knife so tightly that her fingers gone white-knuckle. Her knife was just a basic kitchen knife and it had quite a bit of blood on it. My blood. I recognized her as the fan from the highschool.

Dammit. This is not good. She got a good hit on me. I'm already injured and she is not in the correct mind set either. I need to get out of here and get this fixed. I don't want to hurt her though.

My eyes soften a bit at the last thought and that was a big mistake. Hey pupils sudden dilated, almost taking up the whole eye, and thy stopped shaking. She lunged at me with knife raised. I swiftly pulled my switch blade out from the left side of my hip and blocked her knife with it. Pain spiked through my left arm as I put pressure on it.

"Stand down!" I commanded as I swung my leg out at her flank, knocking her back. I quickly got into my car and locked it. She got up and began to bang against the door and window.

She's lost it! I need to get out of here. Now. To the hospital!

I started the engine and drove off. Once at the hospital, I called Mark to let him know what happened, kinda. I didn't tell him who the attacker was. He was freaking out though.

"Mark, I'm fine. They're cleaning the wound right now."

"Y/n, dear I'm so sorry about this."

"Mark, I'm stopping you there right now. It's ok. It's not your fault."


"No buts. I'll be fine. Once it's all stitched up, I'll be going home and then your place."

"Do you want me to pick you up?"

"Nope. Just stay with Lauren and keep her safe."

"Ok.........but what about you?" Mark mumbled the last bit.

"I got to go. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and let the doctor and nurse finish fixing my wound. I was then sent home. I changed into a T-shirt and jeans before making my way to Mark's place.As soon as his door opened, I was pulled into a tight embrace. Mark had one arm around my waist and the other was running through my hair. He was smothering my face with kisses.

"Mark, even though I am loving this, I'm fine."

"You're hurt though. It could have been worse."

"But it wasn't." I pulled away from his hold and kissed him on the lips.

"I'm safe now."

"Not until we do something about your attacker."

"Mark, drop it. We have more important matters."

"Like what?"

"Mom?" Lauren asked. She was standing in the hallway before tackling me into a hug. I patted her head.

"Hey dear. I'm safe and it's going to be ok. I promise."


"Right." I explained to both of them what I found on Tumblr earlier. Mark did not look very pleased about it. We all then chatted about what we could do about it and what would work best.

"I think we should just tell the fans."

"Hmmm lets see, you met me one day in the park and you let me stay at your place until I got my own. Turns out I was an orphan, I got a job, I adopted Lauren who turned out to be an old friend of mine, and you're helping me raise her, and now we are dating all in about a months time. Sounds like a bad fanfic Mark."

"It's better than nothing." I let out a sigh.

"Ok Mark. I trust you."

"Yeah, I trust you dad as well." When Lauren called him 'dad', his eyes sparkled and a big smile formed.

"I think the both of you should appear in the video then." Lauren and I looked at each other before nodding.

"Sure, we need to get this sorted out." We made a video explaining who Lauren and I were and why we were here. The video was then uploaded.

"That wont solve the problem on it's own. Your fans will help though. I know they will."

"Yeah, I'm so lucky to be blessed with the awesome and wonderful fans and community I have."

"Mark, the feeling is mutual. The way you feel about us is the same we feel about you." I pecked his lips and Lauren hugged him. Mark held Lauren close to him and the scene in front of me made me smile. I was cradling my arm when I remembered something.

I still have work tomorrow but I'll be off for Friday and Saturday.

I looked at my arm, thinking.

I should be fine. As long as Lauren is safe, I'll manage.

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