Chapter 27

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I let out a groan as I slowly woke up. I heard soft snoring and I felt strong arms around me. I looked up and saw Mark's sleeping face. It was relaxed and there was a soft smile that could make anyone smile as well. His body was curled around me, protectively. I was so warm and comfortable but I had to get up. I have work but I want to stay. I looked at the bedroom clock and saw that it was only 5:40. I laid my head back onto Mark's chest and relaxed.

I'll rest for another 20 minutes before I get up.

Mark's hold on me changed. His thumb was rubbing small circles on my back and his other hand was holding my head gently. It was soothing and relaxing. I just laid there, hearing his gentle heartbeat and slow breathing. I wanted to stay like this longer but I had to get up. I slowly and carefully got out of his hold and off of the bed. I stretched as I stood up. I heard Mark shift a little but I didn't think much of it. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. Mark pulled me onto his lap, my back against his chest, and he placed his head on my shoulder.

"Hmmm where do you think you're going?" Mark asked as he kissed my cheek. His voice was deep and sleepy.

"Work, sadly." He then kissed the area where my neck and shoulder connected, an area he knew was sensitive. A shiver went down my spine as I let out a gasp. I felt Mark smirk as he began to lightly nibble the area.

"M-Mark, I need to-to get ready." I was trying not to moan. He stopped and pecked my lips.

"Ok, just be safe on your way there."

"I will." He let go of my waist and laid back down on the bed. He almost instantly fell back asleep. A small smile formed as I let out a quiet chuckle.

Sleep well Mark.

I grabbed the uniform and left the room, passing Lauren's before making it to the bathroom.

Sleep well Lauren.

I got dressed and fixed my hair before going to the kitchen. I made myself some toast and began to nibble it while I checked Tumblr.

Man, they sure are enjoying the Okami playthrough. I haven't really seen much of negative stuff either. Then again, this community is full of amazing people. Oh my god! Someone drew fan art of Mark and I on the couch playing Okami! It's so cute!...............Huh? What's this?

I found a thing on Tumblr talking about Lauren. It was from when Lauren appeared in the background of one of the episodes. I began to read it.

Who is that girl? Well, it's Lauren, a classmate bla bla, 8th grader bla bla a pig? A bit mean. Bla bla, a stupid cunt? Fuck you. Probably gave her body-What the fuck?! That is wrong on so many levels. Too many.

I closed out of Tumblr and put my phone in my pocket.

"Well, that's enough for today. I'll talk to Mark abut this when I finish work. Mm, good toast. Maybe Mark could upload a video.........Aa! My toast!" As I was talking, I dropped the last bit of toast but I caught it. I then tossed it into my mouth.

"I really need to stop talking to myself." I cleaned up any mess I made and went to my car. I felt very uneasy as soon as I left the place, like someone was watching me. When I made it to my car, my posture changed and I took a quick glace around. When I didn't find anything, my body relaxed somewhat. Still ready to defend myself in case anything sprung out from the shadows. I drove to the library but the uneasiness never left. If anything, it increased. I was starting to become a little paranoid, looking over my shoulder every few moments during work, paying attention when ever a new sound came, and I did not like one bit of it.

Calm down Y/n. It's not like you can't handle it. You always carry something for defense on you. Always. Besides, your eyes are enough for most threats...............Why am I talking to myself again?!

I placed my hand on the left side of my hip, relaxing that the item was still there. My hand didn't leave from that spot for a moment. Finally, my shift ended so I made my way to my car. I grabbed the car handle when I heard the pitter-patter of running feet coming towards me. My eyes harden and I quickly swung my left arm our as I turned my body. I felt a searing pain in my arm as something wet traveled down it. I gritted my teeth, refusing to utter out a sound. I saw a glare of light hit my eyes as it was reflected off of a sharp metal surface. Then it hit me. I had just used my arm to deflect a knife.


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