Chapter 3

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It's been a few hours and every sound that Mark made was muffled because of his sound proofing. Suddenly, there was a loud scream of fear. Before I could blink, I was up the stairs, down the hall, and about to open the door to Mark's recording room. My whole body became rigid when I realized what I was about to do. I pulled my hand away and took a deep breath in and out.

Calm down y/n. Mark is not in any danger. Don't interrupt him. Dammit, that was close though.

I let out a quiet sigh as my body relaxes.

"And I will see you, in the next video. Bye bye." I waited a few seconds before lightly knocking on the door. Mark opened the door and gave me a smile.

"Is everything ok?"

"I could ask you the same. I heard you scream from all the way downstairs."

"I'm fine. Just a stupid jumpscare. That's all."

"I'm swear, you're going to get a heartattack one of these days." Mark let out a laugh and ruffled my hair.

"Hey, thanks for the concern. Want to watch me edit?"

"Sure! Sounds interesting." Mark looked so excited. He pulled me into the room and sat in his sat. There was a second chair next to him so I joined him. Mark began to explain to me what he was doing and why and what they did. He was like a little kid telling you all about their day at school. Then, he began to record another video and I made sure I was out of the shot. The game was 'Whack Your Boss'. During the whole game, I was trying not to laugh at Mark's reactions. Finally came the scissor choice.

Oh no.

I saw Mark flinch and he began to freak out a little. Poor Mark. He finished the game, did his outro and then let out a sigh.

"Dammit. That was......was............huh? Are you ok y/n?"

"Y-yeah. Just not prepared for that."

"Me too. That one with the neck was the worst!"

"Yeah. Have fun editing that."

"Oh I will, because you will be joining me."

 "Oh Mark, how can you be so cruel?" I asked dramatically. Mark began to laugh.

"Let's get this done and over with then."

"Ok. Maybe afterward I can read you one of my stories."

"That sounds great. Can I pick the story?"


"Yay!" Mark clapped his hands and let out a small laugh. As Mark edited his video, I looked through my notebook to find a good story for Mark.

Dammit. I don't have any nice or happy stories. All I have are creepy, sad, or poorly written ones. Also, a lot of them are unfinished. Oh well. Mark is picking one for me to read anyway. Hey, I remember this one.

I had a content smile on my face as I read some of my older stories, remember what was going on around me when I wrote them. I didn't notice Mark staring at me for a few moments.

"You ok Mark?"

"Yeah. Good memories?"

"From what I can remember. So, is the video done?"

"Yep. Just let me upload it and you can read me one of your stories."

"Cool." I set my notebook down on the desk and leaned back into the chair. Once the video was uploaded, Mark looked through my notebook until a title caught his eye.

"Can you read this one?" Mark asked as he held the notebook to my face. The title was written in my half-print and half-cursive and it still looked as messy as I remembered. 'The Team'.

"Uh sure. I will say that this is a lot longer than 'My World' ok?"

"Ok. Hey, you can read a little bit every day."

"Sure. Sounds like a plan."

"Here." Mark handed me my notebook. I crossed one of my legs over the other with the heel on the leg. Mark sat in his seat, looking so excited, it was really adorable. I then cleared my throat before I spoke.

"A team. We met one by one and grew a bond. We met in the grass, near the pond, over by the shadows, and in the forest. We all have differences and arguments. We fought together, each other, and for each other. We grew from it all. With each battle we faced, we grew as individuals and as a team. Some hated the water, while others thrived in it. Some couldn't stand the heat, while others sparked the flame. We stood by each other's side. Cheering them on and keeping an eye on them." I stopped my reading and closed the notebook. Mark gave a small pout and I could have sworn I heard a whine.

"Mark, don't give me that look. I'll read more tomorrow ok?"

"Ok. It sounds good though."

"Th-thank you."

"You know what?"

"Chicken butt?"

"Yes and maybe we can go to Gamestop tomorrow to grab a few games. You can get Okami and we can play it."

"Totally rad man. You will so enjoy the game."

"Can't wait."

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