"They Should Stay."

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"H-How did you do that?"
Diego asked.

"What do you think?" I snapped, then through it back at him and raised an eye brow.

"That your MaGiC" Klaus spoke up, "Ooohhh!" Diego took the same knife and through it at Klaus. I snickered.

"How did you do it?" Diego asked me again, "TELL ME!" He yelled.

"I was born on October 1st, 1989, on the 12th hour of the day. I found out that I had a special ability when I was 2, and I trained myself to fight. Apart of training I have very good reflexes." I quickly explained. His jaw dropped.

"Wait so your one of us?" The girl with long brown hair and a button up shirt asked.

"Yes." I took a deep breath. "But I wasn't as lucky as y'all to get adopted by Hargreeves."

"Did you travel to the future like Five did too?" Klaus spoke.

"Who?" I asked.

"Five." He pointed to the boy. His name was Five. Haha. That's funny.

"I didn't time travel. Is that why you look 13 as well?" I turned to Five. He nodded.

"Well if you didn't time travel are you actually 13?" The blonde asked. I noticed that Allison wasn't speaking at all. (You know Allison's name because she is famous.) 

"No I am 30, I look 13 because the Handler kidnapped me when I was 10 and when I refused to work for her she froze me in an ice block for 17 years. I broke out of that block 3 years ago and have been on my own ever sense." I looked at the ground as I spoke to the group. 

"Like Steve Rogers?" Diego asked. Before I could answer Allison finally spoke up, "Do you not have a family?" She asked.

I took a deep breath. "Yes, like Steve Rogers, and also yes I have two dads in Honolulu, Hawaii." I looked at them as I spoke this time.

"Cool." Diego whispered under his breath.

"How come you didn't go back to your dads?" The girl in the button up asked.

"I didn't want to risk them getting hurt or killed. I secretly spy on them though with a drone just to make sure they are safe." I told her. She was very pretty.

"What would happen if they were in trouble though?" Five asked me.

"I would use my power to help them." I looked him dead in the eyes. He was using a very rude tone.

"And what is your power exactly?" The blonde asked with the same tone as Five.

"Element Manipulation." I said shortly. 

"We will be right back." Five said holding up his pointer finger, he then motion for his family to follow him into the other room. I sat on the couch as I waited.

Five's POV:

My family and I walked into the other room and Diego closed the door. 

"I don't really trust this girl." I told them.

"Uh, their not a girl." Vanya said. "Yeah they use the pronouns they/them, so we don't know their gender." Klaus agreed while Allison just nodded in agreement.

"Okay, sorry." I apologized. That is the only thing I will apologize for is using incorrect pronouns, I respect people's pronouns. "But I still don't trust them."

Allison looked up, "I think we should let them stay here, like they can't go home and they don't have a place to live."

"How would you know that they don't have a place to live?" Diego questioned her obvious logic.

"They smell like they haven't showered in days, their hair was a mess, and they seem tired." Allison shook her head.

"I agree with Alison." Vanya spoke. "Same here." Klaus said.

"Well I say we don't let them stay here and we put out them back out there." I pointed to the door. "I can't believe I am saying this but I agree with Five." Diego spoke. 

"What do you mean? You agree with Five all the time." Allison shook her head.

"I agree with five this time." Luther said. "Thank you Luther." I said annoyed with everyone else minus Diego for once.

"It's a tie." Diego rolled his eyes. We all started arguing at once on what we should do.

"HEY!" Vanya yelled over all of our bickering. We all were shocked and looked at her. "Ben hasn't voted. I know he's dead but he is still a part of the family and he has the right to have a say in this just like we do." 

"Yeah, but Klaus would just lie and say he agrees with you three." Diego reasoned.

"Not if he posses Klaus." Vanya said raising her eyebrows. "True." Luther agreed.

We all watched as Klaus' body begun to shake. Once he went back to normal he said, "Hey guys! It's good to see you all." 

"Now to make sure it's Ben tell us something only Ben would know." Luther said.

"There was only 6 people in the volt at the bank robbery we stopped when we were 13." He told us.

"It's Ben all right." Diego said, "He told me that later that night after it happened, he said he didn't tell anyone else and Ben doesn't lie."

"All right Ben do you think we should, A, kick Y/N out of the house and back on the streets or, B, let them stay here with us and make them a part of The Umbrella Academy?" I asked.

"I think we should let them stay here, like it's so mean to do that to someone. To kick them out on the streets by themselves? Horrible." He looked me straight in the eye and  could tell it was actually Ben and not Klaus. He made me see what I said about kicking them out was horrible, like if they end up to be bad there are seven/six of us and one of them. I was worried about my family being hurt but we have gone though a lot but it sounds like Y/N has too. I changed my mind.....

They Should Stay.

So I just figured out that I can write on Wattpad on my computer and not my phone so now I can get more/longer chapters done quicker also this one took so long it is 1000+ words. I really hope you guys like this chapter, it was very difficult to write. Having to think through Five's eyes are hard but not impossible. I hope y'all have a great day! Thanks to my dad for inspiring your back story. He has been rewatching all the Marvel films. -Love (I will go by Love because I can't do my heart anymore ;( but using my computer instead of my phone will be so much easier, sorry right. Bye!)

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