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!!!!(TW: Blood, Violence, Knife)!!!!

Y/n's POV:

I had been with The Umbrella Academy for 3 months and had become pretty close with Vanya, Klaus, and Allison. Five and I had become friends. Meanwhile I was more like a stranger to Diego and Luther. It was weird though Diego would randomly come in my room for advice but then wouldn't talk to me for like a week.

One night I went to bed, and in the morning...


I woke up in an uh-familiar place tied down in a chair. "W-where am I?" I asked to anyone who was in the dark room, that I couldn't see. 

"Oh Honey, you know where you are." I heard The Handler's voice from the dark.

"Let. Me. Go." I told her.

"No." She said with a sweet smile.

"I won't work for you." I looked her dead in the eyes.

"Oh, you won't? LILA!" Her smile faded away.

A girl with short hair and bangs came out. She was wearing all black except for her shoes, they were bright red combat boots. I could tell she was The Handler's daughter, they were just too similar from the outfits to the way they held themselves. Lila then drew out a knife and walked towards me. She took the knife and cut my cheek with it. I held back my tears from the stinging pain. She continued to cut me all over my body until The Handler said stop. I was covered in blood at that point.

"Well?" The Handler asked me.

"I would rather sit here and bleed out then work for you." I told her while trying not to cry.

"All right then have it your way." They then left and locked the door. No. They were leaving me in here to bleed out.

"HELP! VANYA! ALLISON! KLAUS! ..." I took a deep breath then yelled at the top of my lungs, 


Then, a blue light shined in my face, and Five appeared with his back to me. 

"I knew you were working with The Handler, to spy on us you have been coming out here what. Weekly? Monthly? I doesn't matter because I caught you in the act! I knew something was off that you didn't kill those commission guards." He was rambling on like this till I cut him off.

"Okay, 1, I didn't kill the commission guards because I am a good person and 2, I AM NOT WORKING WITH THE HANDLER!" I told him.

"Oh really? Then what are you doing he-" He cut himself off when he turned around and saw me in blood, "What the hell happened." He asked.

I could barely speak, "lila..." I pasted out.


I woke up in The Academy with Grace standing there taking my temperature.

"Oh good! You're awake!" She smiled.

"What happened?" I asked her while sitting up.

"Oh, you past out from blood loss." She told me while kind of frowning, "Luckily Five brought you home to me so I could help you." She said smiling again.

"Oh, okay" I smiled back.

"You're free to get up. I already stitched you up." She walked away and I got up.

"We can't go! It's obviously a trap to kill Y/n!" I saw Five talking to everyone else with his back turned to the door of the living room, and an envelope in his right hand.

"Uhhh... Five?" Allison pointed to me behind Five. 

Five turned around and saw me. He ran up to me and hugged me. I felt something weird in my stomach, something unusual. His embrace just felt so warm and soft. He broke the hug and looked me in the eye.

"Why did you let me ramble on about you working for The Handler, instead of telling me you were bleeding." He asked

"My dad always said, 'Don't ever interrupt someone. It's rude and you are not a rude person.'" I smiled thinking of my dads. I then felt another pair of arms join our hug, then soon after it was a group hug. I felt right at home. After we finished hugging someone grabbed my neck and gave me a nuggie.  

"Don't scare me like that." I heard Diego's voice above my head. I looked up breaking away from his nuggie. 

"I thought you didn't care about me?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I care about you! I just tell you that 'cause I'm a good big brother." He patted my shoulder then went and sat down. Big Brother. Those words repeated in my head as I sat down. 

"Now what were y'all talking about?" I ask out loud.

"This." Five handed me the envelope that he was holding.

In side was a letter from The Handler:

Dear The Umbrella Academy, It has been brought to my attention that you have something I want. Y/n. Therefore I shall not try to kill them again instead I would like to talk to you all about their safety. We shall meet at Lakefield Farm. At sunset today. -The Handler

"Oh that's so a trap." I said as I finished reading the letter.

"Yep." Five agreed.

Ta-Da!  Hey guys here's the thing this story. It's a short story so there are only two maybe three parts left sadly, but when I do finish this one I will start a new one. So, YAY! I really hope you guys like this story. -Love

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