"But First, We Need A Plan."& "I Promise."

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Y/n's POV:

"Yep." Five agreed.

"But what if it's not?" Klaus asked.

"It totally is Klaus. The Handler is gonna take me then when I refuse to work for her she's gonna kill me and, I may not be lucky enough to be saved again." I explained, "But we should still go." I tilted my head a little.

"What?!" Five, Diego and Allison all screamed.

"Okay, I could have gone the rest of day without that, but yeah, we should go." I stood up, "Come on! This could be our only chance to kill her!" Allison raised her eyebrows at me, while Diego looked shocked. "I have been wanting to kill her for years and now I finally have a chance to!"

"You know, they aren't wrong." Diego started

"Uh?" I looked at him.

"We could strike her when she least expects it." Diego nodded.

"See! He get's it! I wouldn't have used the word, 'strike' but besides that, he understands what I wanna do." I smiled.

"Fine. We'll go. But First, We Need A Plan." Five spoke and everyone nodded in agreement. (Why did I wanna write, "But First, let me take a selfie"?!)

We sat there and made up this big plan that was gonna be broken the first five minutes were there, 'cause we are going with four boys who can be idiots. Five and I were gonna take the long way to the farm while the others took different routs. We were in the family car while Diego and Klaus took Diego's, and Allison, Luther, and Vanya all took Allison's car.  

"Five?" I asked after a couple minutes of silence.

"Yeah?" He responded not taking his eyes off the road.

"Can you promise me that if there is a open shot to kill The Handler you will kill her no matter what?" I looked at his side profile as the car pulled over.

"What?" He turned in his seat to look at me.

"Like if she has me in her arms and if you shoot her you will kill me too, will you please shoot her." I looked at my hands.

 "I-I..... No. I can't promise you that. I can't kill you. I love you." He looked me in the eyes and I could tell he was telling the truth. 

"But, if you truly love me, you'd promise to do it." I said he just started the car he was upset. I could tell. 

We drove the rest of the way there and when we got there we could tell she already there because there were people is creepy masks with guns outside the door. Five and were getting out of the car and walking to the others when Five grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"I Promise." He spoke and his voice cracked.

THE NEXT PART IS THE LAST!!!! AHHHH!!!! It's okay though, my sister and I are gonna do a story together we will be starting it this afternoon. Hope you enjoyed! Also I added my name to the front cover because my mom said that I should sign with my name so I can get credit for my work. -Gwendolyn

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