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"Is it successful?"

"We have to take Joong under close medical care before we can say that we succeeded. For now, Congratulations! The transplant ended without any problems occuring while the process is on-going"

I sighed as I stare at the white ceiling of the hospital room, suddenly remembering what the doctor answered me right after Joong's transplant finished, two days ago.

And yes, he's right. At this point, we really can't tell whether the transplant suceeded or not. He's still as weak as before, I think even beyond that. His body is still having some bad reactions like before like we're back to doing therapies. Maybe I'm just being impatient but.. when will this thing really end?

I know it's just two days after the transplant but.. why isn't Joong showing even just a slight hint of recovery? Why is he much weaker now?

"But atleast.. the transplanting stage is over" I murmured to myself as I get up from laying at the couch just so I can watch Joong while he's sleeping again.

"Atleast we finally arrived at the last stage.." I murmured again, convincing myself that this is better compared to the previous situation.

I just hope that no complications will follow after this. Joong is now very tired and drained from everything. If another illness caused by the tricky process appeared, I wonder if we can all take it? I wonder if he can still take it? I wonder if we can win?

Looking back to what we've been through, everything is really too much for an additional problem to enter the scene again.

"Joong? Wake up now... you need to eat your dinner so you can drink your antibiotics" Aunt Ran who just arrived straightly went to wake Joong up.

"Ha?" After some few calls, Joong responded with that, still half-asleep.

"Eat dinner and drink your medicines" Aunt Ran repeated again and Joong just shake his head to disagree.

"I can't.. I feel dizzy, I'll just throw everything up again" he complained, looking miserable and Aunt Ran just sighed as she tiredly stare at me instead.

Joong was given antibiotics to fight the possible inner infections as obviously, he turns weaker after the transplant and his stem cells are still not starting to function well. Aside from that, he was also given another set of pills to control his nausea and vomitings but like expected, the pills aren't working at all. In other words, he's still at the same state like where he is before the transplant.

"But you have to.. or else you'll catch much serious infections" I stood up to approach and convince him. We can't let him sleep straight without taking his medications, he'll only get worst.

"Come on! Just a few bites before taking your medicines and you can go back to sleeping again. If you feel like vomiting then we're just here.. don't worry too much about that" I started to prepare and transfer his meal in a small bowl and I think my actions together with my words convinced him.

He slowly get up with the assistance of his Mom. Oh Joong, why aren't you listening to your Mom in the first place? As if you can escape eating and drinking your meds that way!

"Okay.. just a FEW bites" he murmured, acting like a sulky kid as he emphasize that word. I don't know if I should laugh at him for being like this again in his given condition. Haist, this kid! He's all weak but he can still put some attitudes on.

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