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#louisishot, anyways lets just observe this beautiful picture of Louis and thank him for blessing us with it. moving on I'm so excited now for these chapters because finally we are moving on from year 4 and on to year 6.

k enjoy <3

Jade aurora

"c'mon Jade, we are gonna be late! I bet they are all, already there." June shouts from downstairs

"I'm on my way."I say as I run down the grand stairs. "ugh we're gonna be late where is that guy." June grunts. "Lukas coming will you wait, see look there he is right now." I say. "Calm down sis I'm right here." Luka says as he hugs everyone and June rolls her eyes.

we all walk outside to the courtyard and hold each others hand, "ready?" Louis asks "Ready." me and Luka say at the same time.

we all apparate to the trains station to reach 9 3/4. "I love going through walls each year, its so fun."Luka says sarcastically.

"I would love to see u bang into a wall once swell." June says as she runs through the wall, "How rude" Luka yells  as he runs through the wall, i laugh as I wait for Maya to run through the wall. I then go stand in front of the wall at a distance ready to run through,

"ready?" Louis asks me I smile and run straight through with Louis following up. "that wasn't bad now was it?" I laugh at Luka. "I'm a natural" he says as he puts his arm around my shoulder and walk with everyone.

as we are walking around trying to find the others I spot my best friends staring at me with a huge smile, there they were Malfoy and Berkshire the two boys I have grown up with. I love them.

I smile and run straight towards Enzo and hug him so tight he almost lost his balance. "I missed you too jade." he says as he picks me up while hugging me and twirls me around. he puts me down and I hug Malfoy "good to see u too Malfoy." I laugh "yea well I feel as if Berkshire is getting more attention than me." Malfoy scoffs.  I laugh as I give him another hug.

"where's onyx" I ask? "right here." I hear onyx say from behind me.

I turn around and hug her. "oh i missed you so much." I say "And your hugs." "Aww I missed you too specially when u weren't there for the party, these two drove me crazy plus Blaise." she says as we both laugh.

"driving u crazy? how can we drive u crazy?... you're already crazy." Blaise says while he hugs me.

we all talk and meet each other and walk on to the train. we find a cabin big enough for all of us to sit in. I sit against the window while Enzo sits beside me with Luka beside him and Blaise beside him, onyx sat in front of me with Maya beside her and Malfoy beside Maya and finally Louis beside Malfoy. I'm glad to be back I mean I usually feel the most welcomed at Hogwarts more than anywhere else.

we were on our way to Hogwarts when I noticed that I had been blanked out this entire time looking out the window, I had noticed that Malfoy had been telling us the same story about how his father now owns the muggle cruise I don't even know at this point.

"Jade are you even listening its the best part." Malfoy says as he snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"Draco do that again and I'll break your fingers and shove them up your arse, and yes I'm listening." I hiss back at him, he rolls his eyes and continues telling us how his father invited a bunch of people on the ship.

"which is why my father is inviting u guys on the cruise for a few nights as well, of course theres going to be alcohol and other muggle plants, theres going to be a big ball thats going to be happening and obviously it's on Christmas break.so.... what do you guys says?" he says

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