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As I walked out of the great hall, I started rethinking everything, could it be, does mattheo riddle actually have feelings... for a girl.

I couldn't believe it.

I had to find out who it was.

I'm not jealous.


why would I be I mean I have no reason to be, he's not mine.

nor am I his.

As I continued walking in the halls towards the library. I took a turn I saw Mattheo.

he was standing in front a girl as the girl was pushed against the wall.

they were talking, I could hear her giggles, though it didn't seem like he had much of an emotion.

who was the girl, could it be her, could it be the girl mattheo riddle had fallen for?

I had to get a better look at her, so I tried to hide behind one of the pillars.

I had a better view but I still couldn't figure her out, that is until she turned my way.

Astoria Greengrass.

a friendship that had been replaced with envy.

I could see him, he had been flirting with her, putting her hair behind her ear, creasing her face. she then looked a me.

I could feel tears forming up, but why?

But my tears hadn't started running, that is until I met his pretty brown eyes, but inside they had guilt written all over them.

I couldn't take it; I couldn't let them see me cry.

I quickly ran inside of the library hoping the library was big enough for me to hide in but like always Mattheo ran after me calling out my name.

But as soon as I entered all the attention was towards me.

All my friends and my siblings were in the library it looked like they were waiting for me.

I took a step forward and fun fireworks started firing.

All the attention was on me thats when, Fred came flying out of no where with his broom.

He came down in front of me neiling on one foot and asked me

"Jade will go out with me."

Soon the tears that had been created by a boy had left for another boy who had brought a smile upon my face.

"I would love to." I say as he picks me up and we kiss, knowing mattheo would be looking.

I look back and take a long glance at mattheo,

he had, envy and agony written all over him.

I could see a single tear falling out of his eye before he completely went bland, no emotion, no envy, no agony, nothing.

I couldn't bear to see him though, I couldn't bear to see him cry even if it was just one tear.

I couldn't bear to see him cry, knowing those tears came from me.

the next thing I see is him taking Astoria's hand and leading her towards where the Slytherin common rooms are located.

I could feel my heart aching like it was going to burst out of my chest, like pieces of broken glass.

But again Fred pulled me in for another kiss.

all my friends came and left to go to the three broomsticks.

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