part 1

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("What would the outside feel like..?") thoughts ran as you lay down in your bed.

Rudely, your thoughts were interrupted by children of joy yelling and jumping up and down on you.



"Y/nnnnn wake uuuuppppppp!!!"


You heard multiple voices as you brushed your pillow off you as you looked up to see multiple faces of little kids, yelling with joy at you, as you heard a light grab and snatch as you looked up.


"HEY LEAVE Y/N ALONE LET HER SLEEP" don yelled as he grabbed the giggling kids off you, you managed to get off and laugh it off.

"It's okay don! I'm up" you said, you stretched your arms and walked over to the dinning/lunch room and peeked to see if anyone was there, surely tho, lots of kids running, playing, laughing and yelling everywhere! You felt a sudden tap on your shoulder and spun around..

"Morning y/n!" Norman's voiced cooed, "Morning Norman..!" You grimaced as you gave a smile to him.

You walked with Norman to grab some plates as he attempted to start a conversation, "Soo y/n are you gonna make breakfast today? Or will mom make it???" He stuffed out as you nervously played with your fingers, "Welllll we-".

Before you could finish your sentence you heard a voice echo a bit in your ear, "Morning y/n.", you turned around a bit stunned and saw mom.., you waved and gave a "good morning" sign to her as she placed a hand on your head and slowly moved it down to your cheek feeling the downer bits of your ear.

She smiled and walked off, you shrugged and grabbed a couple of plates before Norman walked off to stop a couple of kids from jumping on the table, you grabbed the forks and pulled open a drawer and got a couple of napkins.

You sprinted a bit and managed to set up the plates, forks, spoons and napkins before running to the kitchen and grabbing cooking supplies to make breakfast..

-time skip
"Thank you for the food and blessing us with a roof to live under!" Multiple voices echoed over, "Thank you children for being delightful!" Mom/Isabella bowed and everyone sat and ate, but you? You just picked a bit at your food without saying a word, your thoughts were interrupted but a quiet whisper, "Ya know, Y/n you better eat.." Norman said, "Yeah, yeah.." you grumbled a bit.

"Hey so isn't conny getting adopted today or something???" A voice yelled, "Yeaahh I'm gonna miss heerrrr!!!" Another voice said, "Aw man?!?!?" More voices talking about conny and conny and conny! Man.. you were cleaning up and getting everything put back into it's own cabinet & washing the dishes.

"Y/n soooo are you gonna play tag today?" Emma said, cheerful as usual, "Uhm sure.." you replied, "I mean, if it's the last game with conny then I guess I will play!" You said, bringing a fist up, not in a harmful or threatening way tho.

"HEEEYYYYYY LETS PLAY TAG NOOWWWW!!!!!" Don called out, "YEAH! I bet we'll win!!!" Thoma said sticking his tongue out, you rolled your eyes sheepishly and got up, "Hey ray, you coming?" You turned your head back, facing him.

"Erm, no." He answered plainly and went back to reading, you shrugged as don went on about the rules.

"Okay so Norman will be it and the rest of us have to run and hide and avoid being caught by Norman, oh yeah, we also have 10 minutes and Norman will have to count to 10 seconds and then he will come out to try to find us, but if the timer ends and Norman still hasn't found us in 10 minutes then we win and he loses!" Don said, as lots of kids were cheering, "ALLLLLRIIIGHTTYYYY!!! NORMAN START COUNTING!!" Emma yelled as we all took off and Norman nodded.

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