Chapter 6

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I've been laying here for three days. Sore, tired, and scared he's going to come back. Cory checks in on me and brings me food but I haven't really eaten much of it.

I can hear talking downstairs and try to figure out who it is but the voice is so far away I can't make out the owner of the voice. I get up and wrap the blanket around me as I walk downstairs.

"It's nice to meet you sir, ma'am. Your kids are really great, always helping me out if I need it."

I walk around the corner and look at the boys confused as Vinny chuckles.

"Hey Ashley, Cory said you weren't feeling well." He says. I nod. "I brought you some food, just some soup, a bit of pizza, some brownies." He says.

"Thanks, you didn't have to do that." I say. He waves me off as the four of us walk up to Cory's room. I sit on the bed and eat one of the brownies.

"They told me what happened. We've got him being held at a warehouse near here, we wanted to ask you how you'd like to handle it." He says.

"Do you mean rational me or crazy me? Because those both have two separate ideas." I say.

"Always go with crazy, crazy is more accurate about how you feel." He says. I nod. That's not good advice for anyone, but I'll take it.

"Can you get me syringes and potassium?" I ask. He furrows his eyebrows.

"I thought you'd want a gun or something, but we can get you whatever you need." He says.

"Perfect, I'll also need a blade sharp enough to cut bone." I say.

"Ok now I'm scared." Cory says. I look over to him and shrug.

"I've been through enough that I've had time to come up with the perfect revenge, doesn't matter for who." I say.

"No more murder shows for you. You're learning too many ways to get away with murder." He says.

I roll my eyes and sit down. My phone dings and I look at it.

"Who's that?" Brandon asks.

"Harry, asking when we're going back." I say as I text him back.

"Be careful, there's a rule that you don't date the newbies. Might get harassed a bit." Vinny says.

I shrug as I lay back and hang off the bed. "When can we go back? I really liked the bed you had there." I say.

"You can come whenever you want, and the suite is always ready if you ever want to drop by." He says.

"Ok, can I watch Netflix now? I'm tired and still hurting." I say. They all nod as they spread out around the room. I put on a documentary about serial killers and smirk at Cory as I watch.


"You know, I don't think I could kill someone, can you just get me a gun instead? Or a knife, I'd like to cut his dick off first." I say.

Vinny looks over and chuckles. "Sure, although he's not going to live either way. You have your way with him then we'll handle the rest."

I nod and lay on top of Brandon. "So who's the guy Charlie was talking about? She said he was going to join the army." I say.

"Oh, that's Wesley." Vinny says. I nod and look at Brandon.

"Is he cute?" I ask. He chuckles.

"And gay, sorry Ash." He says. I roll my eyes.

"I didn't want him." I say and shove him playfully.

"Fuck off." He says as a blush creeps up his neck. I laugh and lay my head on his back as I close my eyes.

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