Chapter 11

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"Breakfast time Ash." Vinny says. I nod and get up. I sit down and for once enjoy breakfast.

"Who's ready to go home?" Demitri asks.

"I am." I say. Finally I'll be able to get away from Cory, he's been driving me nuts.

"Are we off the hit list?" Charlie asks.

"Yes, when we get home I want you three to go home and Charlie is going to stay home with Ben for a few days." Demitri says. We all nod.

I finish my breakfast and wash my plate before grabbing my bag and finally getting my phone back from Demitri. I keep it off but put it in my bag as we climb out of the bunker.

"Holy fresh air." Brandon says as we all breathe it in. I nod and walk to the car with the boys. I sit next to Vinny and Charlie as we drive to get on our plane.

Demitri gave me something to help with my anxiety. I'm 90% convinced it's some kind of drug but I don't really care at this point.

We end up getting on the plane and sitting in the same seats as before. Vinny let's me hold his arm as we take off and after that I'm feeling better.


"Deep breath Ash." He says as the plane starts to descend. I grab his hand as I take a deep breath. I keep my eyes closed until we reach the ground. Once we do, I'm first off and I manage to hold my puke in this time. We get in a car and drive to the building.

"Go home everyone, I'll call you when we're back in business." Demitri says. We all nod.

"I just have to use the bathroom." I say and walk inside to the bathroom. When I walk in, the door is shut behind me by a guy I've never seen before.

"Hello Ashley." He says.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"That's none of your concern. Just know that you're on our radar, we will always be watching you." He says. "You've gotten real close with the Markoff boy."

"Who?" I ask. Is this guy high or something?

"Vincenzo." He says. "Now you've got two choices, whatever is going on between the two of you stops or he dies."

"There's nothing going on between us. Where are you getting your information?" I ask.

"Your little bunker wasn't as secure as you thought it was." He says. I stay quiet as he leans down to my height. "Remember Ashley, we're watching you. We will know if you tell them anything about this little arrangement."

He leaves the room as I look in the mirror. Vinny and I are just friends, there's nothing going on between us. Is there? I mean we've cuddled the past few nights but that's it. And he's been making me food and being really nice.

Oh crap, there is something going on between us isn't there? So I have to stop being friends with him or he dies, and I can't tell him why or I die.

I take a breath before walking out and getting in the car to take us home.

"Bye Ash, see you soon." Vinny says in his cheery voice that makes you want to smile.

"Ya, see you soon." I say and shut the door. I sit with Brandon and rest my head on his shoulder as he plays on his phone.

"What's wrong Ash?" He asks after a while.

"Nothing." I sigh as I close my eyes. "Just tired."

"Ok, I'm here if you want to talk." He says. I nod and stay quiet the rest of the ride home.


"Hey guys, how was the mountains?" Mom asks as she hugs us.

"It was fun mom. I'm really happy to be home but can I go out for the night?" I ask.

"Sure honey. Are the boys going with you?" She asks.

"No. I just need some time to think." I say.

"Ok, be home by 1 and text if you're staying out." She says. I nod and pass the boys as I walk out to my car.

I make sure I have my wallet before deciding to walk into the small city we live next to and walking into the club.

"Shot of whiskey please." I say as I show the bartender my ID. He nods and gets me my drink as I make myself a tab. I take the shot and watch the people dance around the club.

The bartender pours me another shot and I tell him to keep them coming as I just sit and watch everyone else have fun.

"Hey, Ashley right?" A guy asks.

"Who wants to know?" I ask. He chuckles and sits next to me.

"Edward, we met when I was getting a tattoo from Bianca." He says. I nod slowly. "Didn't know you lived around here." He says.

"Well I do." I say. He raises his eyebrows and nods.

"Not one for conversation huh?" He asks.

"Buy me a drink and I'll talk." I say. He chuckles and nods as he gets us both drinks.

"How was the vacation in the mountains?" He asks.

"Good. My brother started pissing me off though." I say as I drink the beer.

"Siblings am I right? My sisters a pain in the ass." He says. I nod as he moves closer. "So what made you come here tonight?" He asks.

"Had a rough day, hoping to get laid." I say.

That's one thing about me, some people lie when their drunk whereas I tell the truth... with no filter.

"Well if that's your goal..." He says, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm still not drunk enough for that." I say. He nods and gets us some shots of a clear liquid. We tap our glasses together before taking the shots.

"So what made the day so bad?" He asks.

"That's confidential." I say as I suck on a lemon.

"What are you, a cop?" He jokes.

"Nope, but I don't have a death wish." I say. He nods and get us more drinks. We both take another shot as we finish our beers.


"Want to go get a motel?" He asks. I nod and grab my stuff as I pay my bill and wave to the bartender.

"There's one next door." I say as I hold onto his arm for balance. I wait outside as he gets us our room and comes back with the key.

When we get to our room I push him inside and lock the door behind us. We stumble to the bed and I grab a condom from my purse and throw it at him. He kisses me and holds my hands above my head as he kisses down my neck and pulls my shirt off.

It's not a long time before we're both naked and he's kissing my stomach and boobs. I feel him kiss my neck as he pushes into me.

Ok I don't usually have drunk sex with people I barely know, only when I've had a bad day. And in this case, a bad three weeks.

"You know what, tomorrow we're going to get breakfast and have a proper date." He says.

"So this is a date?" I ask. He shrugs.

"An unplanned one." He says. I nod as I glance at the alarm clock. Shit, I have to text mom.

"Keep going, just let me text my mom I'm not going to be home tonight." I say as I text her. He keeps pounding into me from behind as I text her.

I throw my phone down and rest my head on the pillow as he digs his fingers into my waist.

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