Chapter 14

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It's odd, the things you feel when you're that someone dying.

You can feel the blood drain from your face, your body go limp, and for more than a second you finally know what it would feel like.

I feel someone holding my hand and I look over. I can't help but smile.

"Hi dad." I say.

"What happened honey? You shouldn't be here." He says as he touches my face. God I missed his touch.

"It's ok dad, I did it to save him." I say.

"Save who honey?" He asks.

"Demitri's son. He was going to die." I say.

"I raised you right my dear." He says as he kisses my head. "But it's not your time, I want you to pull through and go home to mom."

"Dad I'm already gone, and I have been since you died." I say. He shakes his head.

"You were not gone, you were healing. You are so strong, my little girl all grown up." He says. I let my tears fall as I hug him. "Breathe honey, don't leave mom all alone."

I nod as my lip quivers and I hold his hand. "I love you dad. I've wanted to tell you for so long but you couldn't ever hear me." I say as tears fall down my cheeks.

"I heard you honey, I heard you crying for months and I wanted to hug you so badly. But you are strong, you will get through this and I will live through you."

I smile and hug him. "I'll make you proud." I say.

"You already have my dear, I love you more than words can even describe." He says.

"I love you too dad, we miss you so much." I say.

"I know, and please don't hurt yourself anymore. It hurts me to see it." He says. I nod.

"I promise." I say. I hug him again and he kisses my head before everything turns white.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Is she ok? She's going to be ok right?"

"Sir please go wait in the waiting room."

"No, she needs to know I'm here."

"Sir please."

I struggle to open my eyes but when I do, I see Vinny, holding the hand dad was.

"Hey, you'll be ok. Just stay awake for me and please don't die." He says. I'm wheeled away and as I round the corner I see Cory pull him away.

"What's your name honey?" The doctor asks as they cut my clothes off.

"Ashley." I say hoarsely.

"Ok Ashley, we're going to try and save you." She says. I nod as they put an oxygen thing on me. I start to feel drowsy and soon I'm sleeping.


"How is she? She's ok right? Right?"

"She's stable for now. She should be waking up soon but we can only allow three people in at a time to see her."

"We'll go wait outside. I called her mom already and she's on her way."

I feel someone sit on the edge of my bed and I peel my eyes open. They feel so heavy right now.

Either I'm still high or I'm happy, because I feel like everything is a little brighter. I can feel my heartbeat, I can see the sun out the window, I can hear music playing down the hallway. I can smell what seems to be pizza and I can taste something metallic.

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