Chapter 8

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"Ben, this is mommy's friend. Can you say hi?" Charlie says as we sit on the couch.

"Hello." Ben says. I smile.

"I'm Ashley, it's nice to meet you Ben." I say.

"It's nice to meet you too." He says slowly as he looks up at Charlie.

"I'll come pick you up later ok?" She says. He nods.

"If you and Cory would like to spend the night alone he could sleep over." I say. She smiles and nods.

"I'll text you." She says. I nod and wink as she hugs Ben. "Behave for Ashley. I love you Benny." She says.

"I love you mommy." He says as she kisses his head and stands up. Cory walks down the stairs and waves to me as they leave.

"So Ben, what do you like to do?" I ask.

"Cars. And movies." He says. I nod.

"Do you want to watch a movie about cars?" I ask. He nods as I turn the tv on and set up the movie. "I think we need some popcorn, should we make some?"

"I love popcorn!" He exclaims. I chuckle and hold his hand as we walk to the kitchen and I find the popcorn. I put the bag in the microwave and get us both some juice as we pop the two bags.

"Careful, it might be hot." I say as we get comfy on the couch. We both get wrapped in blankets as I start the movie.

Half way through Brandon comes down and joins us and as the movie is ending, Vinny comes down to watch as well.

"Cars 2?" Benny asks when it's over. I smile and nod as I put it on and he cuddles into my side. I look down in surprise and when I look up Brandon is smiling at me.

I smile back as I wrap us both in the blanket. We watch the movie quietly as Ben starts to fall asleep. As the movie nears the end, I get a text from Charlie.

Cory and I are staying at a motel for the night. You don't mind watching Ben do you?

I chuckle and text my response.

Of course not, have fun you two. And use protection!

I turn my phone off and watch the movie as I start to feel tired.

"Ready for bed Ash?" Brandon asks. I look over and shrug as we put on another movie.

"I should head up to bed. Tomorrow we have an emergency meeting at the office building. I'll pick you guys up at 8 so we can drop him off at daycare." Vinny says.

"You got it." Brandon says as he walks upstairs.

"Goodnight Vinny." I say sleepily.

"Goodnight Ashley, sleep well." He says before leaving.

I get comfy with Ben on the couch as he lays on me and sleeps. When I lay back he cuddles into me and subconsciously plays with my hair. I shut the tv and light off before falling asleep listening to his little snores.


"Time to get up Ash."

I open my eyes and Brandon is standing next to me with Ben in his arms.

"Good morning!" Ben exclaims. I smile as I sit up.

"Good morning. Have you gotten breakfast?" I ask. He nods.

"We had muffins." He says with a huge smile. I laugh lightly as I stand up.

"I'm going to go get dressed. Can you stay with Brandon for a bit?" I ask. He nods as I smile to Brandon and run upstairs to get dressed.

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