-chapter 6-

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Years later it is our graduation to choose between the military police, Garrison regiment and the Scout regiment, of course me and the trio chose the Survey corps years ago and never changed our minds.

Before this so much happened like the battle of Trost and how everyone found out that Eren was a Titan and he was sent to caught. I wasnt really there to participate but i heard he got beaten up loosing his tooth.

Me and the other people who joined the scouts arrived where Commander Erwin has assigned us to meet up to get into our new squads.

"Hey Eren!" Armin greets as we spot him walking with some other squad mates.

"Hey guys I missed you all!" Eren replies.

"Eren...what did they do to you? Did they starve you or anything? I swear I will make that shorty pay." Mikasa grits her teeth with worry.

"No no it wasn't like that I swear!" Eren reassures her but Mikasa is still motivated to make the shorty pay for beating the shit out of Eren.

A while later in the day we have now got into our squads. I was in the same squad as Eren, Captain  Levi squad. When I heard that name memories flashed in my head like a click as someone I used to know was also known as Levi.

Of course I never seen my captain yet but he should be arriving very soon. It saddened me the fact that Armin wasn't in the same squad as me, what if he gets in danger and I can't back him up? All my worries were shaken off when I felt a tap on my shoulder making me flinch.

"[y/n]? Hello? Earth to [y/n]!" A familiar voice brings me back to reality.

The voice was no other than Eren.

"Oh yeah sorry, what do you want?" I grown.

He nervously points at a short man who is probably still taller than me, ash black hair styled into a familiar hair cut I swear I have known someone who had the same hairstyle, stoic face man literally glaring at me.

"S-sir!" I say saluting nervously.

"Tch what were you thinking brat?" He scolds me.

Hm they way he talks almost sounds like Kenny's ass hole like tone but less energetic, why am I remembering things all of the a sudden? Everything sounds just strange and familiar at the moment.

"I'm talking to you." He scolds me.

"Hah...sorry sir how may I help?" I say returning to a poker face.

He rolls his eyes, "introduce yourself to me, you look like someone I used to know though that's uncertain." He requests.

"I'm [y/n] [l/n] sir." I say.

"Tch familiar..well I'm off I'm expecting you guys to clean this room then we are leaving to return to the old headquarters." He orders and we just stare at him. "Do I make myself clear brats?" He glares at us.

"Yes sir!" Everyone says in sync.

We all get to cleaning and I start by sweeping the floors but of course everyone loves bothering me..I felt another tap on the shoulder. I then to see a young girl with short brown hair and beautiful wide eyes smiling at me.

"Hello I'm Petra, was wondering if we could get to know each over?" She asks.

"Hm am I that interesting?" I sarcastically say.

"What do you say? I don't mind." She nervously smile.

"Sure thing...Petra am I right?" I say still sweeping the floor.

"That's right and you just me [y/n], nice to meet you." She greets and I nod.

At first I didn't have any interest about talking with her but after ages of cleaning we just opened up to each over and I could say she is my friend now. She talked me about these other squad member called Eld, Oulo and Gunther.

I laughed at her stories if Oulo trying to intimidate Levi and be just like him and how he bites his tongue three times a day.

It felt like hours now and the room I was cleaning was spotless and clean as far as I know. I heard the captain was a clean freak so he would take his cleaning standards seriously, a speck of dirt..your cleaning the whole room again. How strange.

After he checked up the other rooms it was my turn for him to check my cleaning. When he came in his face looked irritated which bothered me. I just hoped he approved my cleaning.

He ran his hands under the shelves, tables and some corners. I looked closely at his hands each time to see no dust in his hand which I sighed in relief.

"Where did you learn how to clean?" He asks.

What kind of question is that? "Well when i used to have parents i helped my mother clean and cook alot..?" I awkwardly say.

He nods in response. "I can say im impressed brat but you still look familiar and your name is familiar as well." He raises an eyebrow.

I nod in response. His name and stoic face does remind me someone i uses to know, I usually brush that off as it just may be because i miss Levi too much and now im seeing people in him. I...i have to move forward but i know Levi is somewhere waiting for me.

He gestures me to follow him to meet up with the other squad mates.

"Get your horses ready we are leaving in five minutes." He orders.

"Yes sir." We all say in sync and walk to the stables.

I walk to my horse and next to me was another horse who belonged to a blonde male with a man bun.

I felt him looking at me over times but i brushed that off. As much as when people stare at me it pisses me off, im not even going to start it. The captain just looks like he could beat up anyone if he wanted to.

I stroked the horse and then pulled it out of the stable gate holding onto the rope. I then follow the blonde guy from behind to where we should meet up to get ready to leave.

We all started trotting through the pathways with beautiful trees in rows each side of us. The heavy miniature breeze brushing my skin snd entering and exiting from my nose.

I sighed at this mesmerising feeling of freedom when i felt a tap on my shoulder making flinch returning back to reality with irritation planted on my face.

It was the blonde male. His face had a tint of pink and he looked nervous but still had a smile planted on his face.

"May i help you?" I scoff.

"Ah right i wanted to know what your name is...im Eld by the way." He greets.

"Im [y/n]." I reply.

"I see, this is my two friends Oulo and and Gunther and im sure you already know Eren and Petra." He introduces.

"Tch a brat like you should be facing forward not facing others or you will fall!" Oulo complains.

"Dont mind him he always tries to act like Levi." Gunther nervously whispers towards me.

So that was the Levi wannabe Petra was talking about.

"Alright Levi number two." I say with sarcasm laced in my voice making him look irritated and it even bringing Levi's attention.

"Tch." He clicks his tongue making me roll my eyes.

"Be quiet you lot." Levi demands. Why does he always have to be so blunt and rude?

After what felt like an hour we have reached an old building what was so called the HQ. It was covered with plants, windows dirty and pretty much everywhere was worn out and unhygienic.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get your brooks ready and get cleaning." Levi orders us with no emotion drawn on his face.

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