-chapter 21-

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"[y/n]?" I hear a female voice.

It was Hitch.

"Oh Hitch? What are you doing here?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Its my job to guard this crystal." She retorts.

"I see." I say.

"No guests aloud, I suggest you to get out before others find out your here." She warns.

"Oh okay thanks, bye." I smile and walk off.

"Bye." She smiles back waving.

I walk up the stairs then walked back to the HQ to see the soldiers coming back from the expedition. Thats when my heart was racing.

My eyes were searching for Hange, Armin and the other two. I kept searching every single face that passed me but no face was recognisable.

Then the last group of soldiers came back and my heart was relieved to see them back alive. Wow why the last group they scared me I chuckled to myself.

Hange then flicked my forehead making me flinch returning back to reality.

"You zone out quite a lot dont you?" She giggles.

"I guess so." I shrug my shoulders.

"How was you and shorty?" She asked bouncing her eye brows.

"He made me clean and smacked me with a duster." I frown.

"Something he would do, what else?" She claps her hands together.

"Um when i showed him this bracelet he kicked me out." I laugh.

"Again, something what shorty would do." She smirks.

"Yeah." I roll my eyes.

"[y/n]!" Armin yells coming towards me for a warm hug.

"Armin! Knew you would come back with that genius brain of yours." I hug him back with a smile.

"You were right, im mentally made up for a soldier not just physically." He chimes.

"Yeah." I say ruffling his blonde hair.

"I get to get going now, meet me in the mess hall see you!" He pulls away and walks off with me waving at him with a smile.

Suddenly Hange makes me flinch. "LEVIIII LEVIII OVER HERE SHORTY!" She jumps and waves.

Levi rolls his eyes in annoyance then glances at me and walks off.

"Wow whats up with him? What did you do to make him grumpy?" She places her hands on her hips.

"Nothing I believe...if im honest." I shrug.

"Mm okay i will check on him because im a good friend." She closes her eyes proudly.

"More like a titan's good friend." I chuckle.

"Yeah and that too but you're myyy best frieeend." She hold her hands together balancing on one leg flickering her lashes.

"Yeah yeah off you go." I say with a small smile.

She then skips away while i walk the other direction and walk towards Armin's table to see my favourite things, Eren and Jean fighting.

"Ah yes my favourite show, Jean vs Eren." I whisper to myself in glee.

"Shut you mouth horse face! Mikasa doesn't want you!" Eren growls.

"I dont think Mikasa wants a suicidal block head with anger issues either!" Jean snaps.

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