-chapter 9-

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"Yes, this is my titans arent they cute?" She says with puppy eyes.

She points at one titan. "This is Swaney." And then she points the other direction. "And bean." She finishes with a wide smile.

We just look at her in disgust...why does she love our enemy?

"Oh this is my assistant Moblit!" She also introduces to an innocent looking man and he nervously waves.

She explains her different experiments of her obsession with titans. It shocked me when she was crying while putting some spears in their eyes as they were in agony too.

"O-okay Hange thats enough!" Moblit says shoving her out of the way.

"It was nice seeing you guys." He says as he exits.

That was...strange?


It was time to eat in the messhall and tonight we are having the usual menu, soup, bread and some crackers.

I could see the table which contained Levi. Hange, Erwin, Moblit and Mike. My eyes then locked into deep blue ocean eyes with the grey storm clouded into the colour.

Why does he look familiar in a way? I really want to know more about him but how? I dont want to seem creepy but he is really familiar.

Someone i used to love, cared and adored. He was the only person that lightened up my days back in the shit hole also well known as the underground city.

I realised i have been probably staring at him for two minutes and now he was just staring at me daggers and that struck me like bolt lighting from the stormy colours of his eyes. Ouch.

I quickly looked away flustered. I had my hand covering half of my face. Why am i stupid? What is wrong with me? Why did i just stare at him like that? He probably thinks im weird and creepy now! I couldn't help it!

My thoughts disappeared into thin air when i felt a voice call for my name.

"Hey [y/n] how are you doing?" The male voice questions me. It was Eren.

"Oh hey Eren, when will Armin and Mikasa arrive?" I ask.

"Their squad must arrive in any minute." He answers with a soft smile.

"Quite sad that they aren't in the same squad as us." I frown.

"Yeah...quite dumb." He places his head on his hand.

A few moments later Armin and Mikasa appeared from the crowd full of other recruits.

"[y/n]!" Armin greets and sits beside me.

"Hey Armin how are you doing? I greet back then change my expression of threat. "Did anyone hurt you?"

"N-no not at all! It was great!" He reassures me.

Jean arrives with his tray and sat next to Mikasa opposite Armin.

"Hey." He greets.

"Hey." We say in sync.

I was a little worried and excited at the same time because Eren and Jean...they are on the same table. What if Jean tries to flirt with Mikasa and Eren gets pissed off? Meh.

I blow onto the spoon filled with stew and pushed it into my mouth to receive a tasteless taste. And continued.

"Eren you need to eat more." Mikasa shoves a bread into Eren's mouth muffling his complaints.

After he swallows the bread harshly he looked at her annoyed. "Im not a baby!" He says adding a frown.

After an hour or so, it was time to head for bed. I was walking through the hallways when i felt some arms pull me into a room with a yelp escaped from my mouth. "Ah!"

"Hello [y/n]!" A cheerful voice greeted me.

I looked up to recognise that face, that devilish smirk and pony tail. Hange.

Behind her was a nervous looking Moblit. I was just confused but then realised they were higher ups than me so I quickly slauted.

"Hah! No need to salute to us, you only do that to boring people!" She giggles.

I awkwardly giggle and put my hands down beside me.

"Squad captain?" I ask.

"Call me Hange and feel free to cal him Moblit." She corrects me.

"Oh..right okay, may i ask why im here Hange?" I ask with a nervous smile.

"You seem like a fun person! You were the only one in the squad that was interested in my titan stories while everyone else looked so bored!" She excitedly jumps a little.

"Oh no problem." I say.

"I wanted to show you some of my other experiments!" She cheerfully explains while Moblit face palms himself.

"I think she need to slee-" Moblit defends but Hange puts a hand up cutting him off and he just sighs in defeat.

"O-okay and what are these experiments." I ask crossing my arms.

Without any reaction she grabbed my wrist and forcefully dragged me somewhere.

"I want to introduce...drum rolls!" She adds slapping her legs to do a what so called drum roll and i dont even move and just blankly stare at her.

"A jar of titan hair!" She picks the jar up in front of me.

"Ew what the hell?" I look in disgust.

"Hmm lets see whats closer in them shall we!" She ignores my disgusted look.

Using a tweezer she pulls out a strand and places it under a microscope. "Ahh lets see.."

She takes off her goggles and places one eye near the area where you look through.

"Ooo interesting." She adds with a nod.

"Take a look [y/n]!" She pulls me by the arm.

"Umm okay." I say and look at it with one eye.

I gag in response, that was disgusting what the hell is this? I thought

"Cool isnt it?" She rubs her hands together in friction.

"No! That's disgusting what is that?" I aak her scrunching up my face unimpressed.

"Those are cells inside the hair!" She answers.

"Im not even asking anymore.." i hold my stomach, i swear im going to throw up.

Suddenly the door bursts to reveal a grumpy male strutting in the room.

"Whats all this noise and why is the sounds of throwing up?" He asked annoyed.

"Hey shorty! No one is throwing up [y/n] is just overreacting about this amazing experiment i did!" She says proudly.

"What she did was valid." He looks at her in disgust.

"Thank you corporal." I smile.

"Well [y/n] at least is interested....what do you day friends?" She puts a hand out to me.

"Friends?" I repeat and she nods.

"You will regret it she is bonkers." Levi warns.

I didnt listen to him, yes she is bonkers but i would take that chance, she seems like a valid friend to me. I took her hand and she squeels in excitement.

"Tch what a brat." He scoffs and roll my eyes.

"Well im going to bed." I announce and walk off leaving both Levi and Hange.

As i was walking through the corridors i couldnt think about Levi. Why is he so familiar? I need to some how learn things from him but how? I dont want to be a creep to him or anything. Wait i can ask Hange! Im sure she will know alot about him i smile to myself.

I opened the door to my dorm and dis my usual night routine. I then slid under the covers and drift to deep slumber. Tomorrow im asking Hange about Levi.

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