"Oh [y/nnnn]!" I hear a voice which i recognise straight away. It was Hange who chimed into the room.
"Hmm?" I hum in response annoyed.
"I want to show you something on my experiment!" She smiles.
"Im good." I cross my arms.
"But shorty refused to see them." She frowns.
"Fine but make it quick." I finally accept and we both walk.
"Oh it will be quick, trust me!" She grins.
We continue walking until we reach a room.
"Okay stand on this X." She instructs.
"Uh..why?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Come on! Its my experiment!" She pouts.
"Fine just don't hurt me, I'm still injured." I warn her.
She walks a close step behind me getting a knife and snapping a rope. With a yelp i found myself not standing but falling.
"Ahh!" I scream as i hit the floor.
Like Hange said i didnt get hurt badly but that didn't prevent pain pulsing around my ribs.
"H-hange what the hell?" I scream.
"Have fun!" She smiles and shuts the lid shut above me.
Luckily there was a candle lit beside me. I look to realise to see another person sitting beside me pretty annoyed. Levi.
"Hello..." i nervously smile as i held my injured area where it hurts.
Without any response he just stares daggers at me and i just stare at him blankly.
"You never talk but only talk to insult people, how does that work?" I frown.
"You just talk too much." He blunts.
"Only when im around people im comfortable with." I sadly look down.
"So i make you comfortable?" He looks at me shocked.
"...." i look down with no response.
He just looks at me as if he wants to ask me more questions but brushes them off returning his shocked face to the original stoic one.
I start to rub my hand against the bandages as the pain continues to play around inside me.
"Why am i here?" I finally ask.
"You expected me to bring you here?" He raises an eyebrow.
"No, i know it was Hange calm down." I pout.
"I am calm." He glares at me.
"Highly doubt that, you're always grumpy." I roll my eyes.
"Now don't you roll your eyes at me." He glares at me.
"What? Because you're my captain?" I harshly answer back.
"One of the reasons yes." He shrugs.
"I flipped my instructor over my shoulder, what you gonna so about that?" I tease.
"What?" He raises an eyebrow.
"He hurt his back apparently." I retort.
"Good for you.." Levi says shocked.
"Why do you look worried?" I ask.
"Shadis is quite harsh, he never trained me but i have a feeling he has beaten you up until you couldnt walk." He looked amused.
"No." I blunt out.
"No?" He repeat back.
"He just told me to run laps." I chuckle.
"I wasn't expecting that." He glares at me.
Levi then leans back against the wall behind him crossing him legs.
After a while i notice him staring for a while and i jump with a tint of pink on my cheeks.
"W-why are you staring at me?" I ask.
"....." he still looks at me but this time with a glare.
I shift myself to a more comfortable position to see if i can rest my ribs but i failed.
I did one solid movement and heard a little click followed by a big wave of pain. I yelp in pain clutching my ribs tighter.
"Dont hold them tighter, it will hurt." He looks at me with no worry or sympathy on his face, he looked like he had no emotion or looked at least rather amused.
I glare at him and lay down wrapping my arms around my waist. I nuzzle my face on my shoulder to hide the weak tears from the humanity's strongest.
Levi's pov
I watched her lay there in pain. I didn't move an inch to help her, just stare. I debated myself whether i could help her or not.
Maybe she doesn't deserve my help after she left me with no help at all.
I could see a glimpse of her eyes in tears. I always knew she would be the type to hide her pain but she always has failed. Idiot.
I played with a rock that i found shaking it in my hand, basically fiddling with it.
She breathed a little heavily, it was probably hard for her to breath with an injured ribcage in a cramped up area like this.
I sigh in annoyance. "You're in the wrong position stupid ass." I say and lean towards her to correctly help her shift into a position that should make her less in pain.
What annoyed me was covering her face which made it harder for me to move her.
"I know you're crying." I harshly pull her arm away.
I look at her face, it was red with small tears dried up on her cheeks and more tears forming in her eyes.
I roll my eyes at her to hide my little sympathy and continue helping her.
At last i shifted her laying against the wall.
"How did you manage to do that?" I point at her. "Definitely a stupid mistake to start with." I add.
"Yeah...a stupid mistake." She glares at me.
"So go on, tell me." I order her.
I notice her fighting her tears away which she failed as one slide down her tinted cheeks.
She gulps and opens her mouth. "That mistake took someone's life away, someone i saw like family when i was young." She retorts.
"Hm?" I hum in response.
"At least that titan..died horribly." She adds.
I suddenly had some regrets asking her that question, why didnt i think that?
"Why did you ask? Didn't you think i have this injury without loosing someone?" She snaps.
"....." i wanted to apologise but I didn't bother, why should i? She should after leaving me.
She rolls her eyes and looks away.
"Why are you acting like you don't remember me?" She suddenly asks stiffening me up.
I didn't want to respond that so i just ignored her bluntly.
She sighs on defeat and just looks down. It was pretty clear she was getting bored and i was too.
How long will i be stuck here? Stuck with her. I vowed to myself that i would just avoid her other than when i needed to speak her or did i just want to speak to her in general.
If so, why? What made me think that?
I took a glance at her to see her fast asleep with a sad expression. I sighed and took of my jacket and covered her body to prevent her being cold during her sleep.
I felt the cold goosebumps spreading across my skin due to the cold temperature. Since i dont have any paperwork i decided to take advantage of that and try to sleep.

『"𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖊 𝖐𝖊𝖕𝖙" 』• 𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖎 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
FanfictionI apologise that the first few chapters spelling are terrifying as I didn't check them but the other chapter later on in the story are double checked and corrected. Levi met you when you were a child almost around your age but maybe a little older...