-chapter 34-

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I looked up at him, it was Levi. I just realised that he was now taller than me, I remember being taller than him back in the days of the underground and he would always say that he would hit his growth spurt..guess he wasn't lying.

I gulped and watched the water that was dripping from his soaked up hair and walls.. i always knew he was strong but i never expected him to have a toned-

My thoughts were interrupted by him, "You alive or what?" He crosses his arms.

I squeeze my eyes shut and i hear him click his tongue and footsteps. I slightly open my eyes to see no sign of Levi. I sigh in relief and walk my way to hange's lab. I open the door to se Moblit organising some books into the shelves while standing on a ladder. He then rotates his head to smile at me.

"Hey [y/nn], glad to see you again." He greets.

"Yeah you too." I return the warm smile back to him.

"[Y/NNNN]!" I then hear an annoying over excited voice. Hange.

He comes in hugging me really tight making me cough.

"Woah section commander you will kill her!" Moblit nervously warns.

She finally lets me go after realising that she was suffocating me. Before she could react, i grab her by the goggle pulling it back then letting it go slapping it back at her face making her yelp.

"Ow! What was that for?" She frowns placing her palm where it hurts.

"The paint incident." I reply.

"What happened?' Moblit asks curiously leaving his attention to the books.

"She was getting chased by Levi who had paint all over him and then Hange hid behind me then she spilled paint on me too and laughed at us." I explain.

"Wow.." he raises his brows.

"Sorry...it was too funny your face was priceless and well Levi was pissed, it was hilarious okay?" She nervously laughs.

"Yeah whatever." I roll my eyes.

She then walks towards Moblit and slaps him on the back. "Ah! Good job Moblit, without you the books would be all messed up and hard to find!" She thanks him.

Just as she said that, Moblit trips on his ladder due to Hange slapping him on the back and falls on top of Hange with an oof. She smiled then started laughing and Moblit's face turned into and awkward smile with a very small dust of red on his cheek.

"Section commander! I am so sorry here, let me help you up." He quickly stood up stretching his arm out for her.

What a gentleman.

He gives her a hand which she happily takes. "You over worked yourself, just have a seat." She smiles.

"Tha..thank you!" He rubs his palm against his nape.

She then turns to me. "Well okay fine, I'm sorry." She finally says.

"Yeah okay whatever." I grunt.

She suddenly grabs me by the wrist pulling me and ran which forced me to run too.

"Shitty-glasses what are you doing?" I ask confused.

"Let's spy on shorty!" She happily suggests.

"Wait what? No!" I reply trying to stop her but it was no use.

"Okay the plan is that I'm going to go in and then give him a short talk and exit leaving the door a little open then we can spy." She explains.

"I'm not part of this." I groan.

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