Ch 3

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Claude could not believe his eyes. The woman he loves above anything and anyone else was once again before him. As beautiful and as breathtaking as ever.

Slowly and hesitantly, as if he's afraid that this might all disappear if he makes haste, he approached the lying figure in the middle of the room.

The emperor stopped just before the unconscious body of his twin as he took his time to observe her. Drinking in her appearance as if afraid that if he didn't, he might forget her.

Unlike the last time he saw her, Claudia, like him, had grown older. The remaining baby fats that remained when she was still a fourteen-year-old can no longer be seen giving her face a more sharper appearance. Her hair also grew longer as it pools around her, giving the illusion of a gold halo around her being.

Her body had finished it's maturity as the curves on her body are now more pronounced and obvious.

She was laying atop a makeshift pedestal of blue and purple crystals. A light sheet of pure magic with the same colors as the crystals encased her persona. Around her, clear crystal flowers bloomed giving her an ethereal beauty even while asleep.

Looking around, Claude also noticed that's the crystals are not just around her body. In fact, the entire room is filled with it. Unlike the dark and dusty hallways outside this room, the room Claudia slumbers is clean and bright even with the lack of windows and lamps around it.

If Claude focused, he could feel the same pure magic as the one surrounding his twin emanating from the blue and purple crystals around them.

With the magic crystals and the light it gave off to the unconscious beauty that laid dormant in the middle of it surrounded by crystal flowers, the view was so perfect that it could have been taken straight out of a painting.

However, even with this breathtaking picture in front of him, the emperor couldn't help but feel an ache in his heart. For the one thing he desired among anything else right now was for the beauty who was in front of him to open her eyes.

The same eyes that looked at him lovingly and warmly just like before.

With trembling hands, he reached out to her and when his hands came into contact with the thin sheet of magic, it pulsed for a second before shattering. Like broken glass, the pieces of it floated in the air before dispersing like dust as it disappeared completely. Some particles dropping to the body of the girl it once protected giving said girl's skin a glitter like shine.

However, Claude paid no attention to this as his focus was purely on the woman before him. When his hands touched her skin, he gasped as he felt how warm it was.

With hopeful eyes, he touched her hand and felt for her pulse. Wishing beyond belief that what he was suspecting was true. When his fingers felt something, the emperor almost broke down in sobs right then and there. For he knew. Just like how he knew that Claudia wasn't assassinated that day and how he knew that his love for the same woman would never change and fade no matter how much time passes. He knew...

'She's alive.'

But he held his tears back for now. He had a more pressing matters to attend to.

"Felix. FELIX!" He shouted, not wanting to leave Claudia's side for just a second to go out and call for the knight himself.

Fortunately, said knight was also looking for his liege nearby and heard the Emperor's call. Not missing a beat, Felix ran to the direction it came from and entered the room without any warning, wanting to see what made his lord and friend shout with such desperation in his voice.

However, much like Claude, he stopped just right before the door when he saw what, or really who was inside.

Felix was frozen for just a few seconds before Claude's voice boomed inside the crystal-filled room and breaking him out of his stupor.

"Call every physician and wizard in the empire now! Tell them to wake Claudia or suffer the consequence." Claude ordered. When he noticed that his knight was in too much shock to properly register his command he added, much more forceful this time. "NOW!"

When Felix finally ran out of the room to fulfill the orders that's were given to him, Claude turned back to his sleeping twin and finally let his tears fall.

"You're here... You're back... I thought I had lost you that day. I missed you so much Cloe" he muttered the familiar nickname he had given her years ago. A nickname that sounded so familiar yet at the same time foreign in his mouth.

"Please... Please wake up. I need you. I don't want to lose you again. Open your eyes for me and look at me with that familiar warmth in your jeweled orbs once again. I love you... My Empress"

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