Ch 6

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"It's Lady Diana!" 

The moment Claudia heard those words, her whole body froze and she immediately looked at her brother.

Claude was also frozen. His arms around her were stiff and she could see him gritting his teeth together.

'He's upset...' Claudia thought with a bit of annoyance to the blonde haired dancer. Though where the feeling came from, she had no idea.

Contrary to Claudia's speculation, the reason the emperor was upset was because someone dared to interrupt his reunion with his twin. He was about to glare at the impudent maid to get out when the woman in his arms stood up hastily and looked at the maid in the face.

"Where is she?" She asked, pushing the ugly feeling blooming inside her. Claudia doesn't like seeing her brother upset, and if helping his lover to the best of her ability will take that expression off Claude's face, then she'll do it.

Claudia's POV

I ran through the halls as I followed the maid to get to where Diana is. Claude was somewhere beside me as I focused on not collapsing. It seems that I have yet to fully recover from my magical coma. We moved at a fast pace and soon, we have reached the room the dancer was currently occupying.

Opening the door, I saw her figure laying on a queen sized bed. Her face is pale and sickly as her expression looked pained.

I walked towards her direction and touched her forehead with my right palm. I don't know why, but I have this feeling that I could help her somehow.

Closing my eyes, I felt the magic inside me stir. Magic that I never once learned to use, much less control is coursing through my veins, wanting to be used and eager to obey to my every command.

With a deep understanding I never knew I had, I let my magic flow out and through my palm creating a soft, warm, and gentle purple light to emanate from my hands.

My magic surrounded Diana's body as a flower like shape made from my magic formed on her enlarged stomach. The pained look on her face disappeared as her breathing evened out. She looked peaceful, no longer burdened by the heavy exhaustion that came with her pregnancy.

The light began to die down as my magic went back inside me. All traces of it ever showing were wiped from the room, as if it was never there to begin with. But the relaxed look on Diana's face says otherwise.

I sighed in relief as I turned to look at Claude in the face. He had a shocked and surprised expression plastered on as he looked back at me.

Smiling, I told him. " She's okay now..." And with that, I fell unconscious as my body finally gave in to the exhaustion I had, until now, suppressed for the sake of the woman who owns my brother's heart.

The last thing I see before I entirely blacked out was Claude's face morphing to one of worry and, was that... desperation? Before I could dwell longer on that thought, my mind completely shut down.

3rd Person's POV

Claude watched as Claudia's body began to collapse. It was as if time stood still as he desperately reached out a hand to catch her.

Thoughts of losing her again as he just recently got her bach filled his mind. It was like watching her getting farther and farther away from him as he shouts and begs for her to stay. Then, when he finally was close enough to be able to reach her, she disappears in a flurry of blue and purple light. Leaving him alone once more with zero chances of getting her back this time.

This scenario played on his mind over and over again for what seemed like hours, but in truth it was only a few seconds as he reached Claudia's side and broke her fall.

He sighed in relief as he was able to feel her pulse. Scooping her up in his arms in a  bridal carry, he turned to glare at the slumbering figure of that-that wench. He had half a mind to kill her and that thing inside her right then and there.

Claude was not blind, he saw how exhausted his twin was even before they reached the dancer's room, and how she became more pale after using her magic on the pink eyed woman.

Seeing that, he couldn't help but feel a strong bout of envy.

' How could you, who dared to choose someone else and abandon me make my beloved exhaust herself to the point of collapse! Is it not enough for you to betray me?!' he raged in his mind as he turned and left the room. Never once looking back to the woman who was once his friend.

Looking down go the woman in his arms, Claude kissed Claudia's forehead gently as he murmured in a whisper.

" You will never leave me again Cloe, I'll make sure of it. I will kill everyone that dared to try and take you away from me. You are mine!"

A dangerous glint appeared in his eyes as he traversed the empty hallways of the Ruby palace.

A vow was now made, and a promise that forevermore sealed their fate had been spoken.

Unheard and unknown to everyone in the palace, and most of all to the twins, a voice rang out in the hallways. Never to be heard by anyone.

" One has already fallen... Soon the group will be complete... Two more... Two more my child and you'll finally be whole..."

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