Checking in

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((TW: Extreme Bullying, Self Harm, and Slight Homophobia))
"Why do y-you do this." he didn't want to cry right then and there but he could already feel the warm drops against the cold ones of the rain.

"Aww, look guys! He's crying! I'm so sorry- oh wait, why would I be sorry. Know how many fucking people have it worse than you." The red head spoke turning to all of his 'friends' who all agreed with him with nodding heads. George knew he was right, so he also nodded. "You should fucking cut deeper, clearly. You don't deserve to live if you know that people have it worse than you, you fucking asshole." The red head was now yelling, bringing people who were coming back from lunch towards the situation.

"Y-You don't u-understand..." George spoke so quietly, unable to stand up for himself, knowing he's too weak.

You're weak, you can't even handle simple problems. Some people do have it worse than you.

George let the toxic voice inside his head invade, only making the warm, salty tears fall down his face faster.

When the red head saw George now crying harder, he grabbed George's chest by his clothing, hiking his petite body to eye level. The book now fell from George's hands and onto the wet ground. "You fucking, cry baby."


Clay couldn't let this continue, he needed to stand up to these people, these terrible people. He started jogging towards the red head, then running. The group separated as He barged through, pushing the red head to the ground, "Get you fucking hands off him, Clarance!"

The boy fell to the ground, letting go of George who stood in shock watching Clay stand over the red head. "Don't ever touch him again." Clay didn't want to get in trouble, so he just left Clarance on the ground and grabbed George's things, his book and backpack, then he took George's hand, pulling him away from the ever-growing crowd.

A light, "Fuck you, you fucking gays..." was heard in the background as Clay and George walked away and towards Clay's car in the parking lot. When they arrived at the white car, Clay swung the door open and gently placed George inside. He also threw George's things into the backseats of his car.

"We are heading to my place." Clay spoke firmly. You could hear his blood boiling from a mile away, Clay was so frustrated at the people at his school. All those kids and yet one couldn't stand up and help this poor boy. Clay looked over at George, who nodded. George still looked a little shocked about the whole thing, so Clay decided to give the brunette some space and talk to him when they got to his house.

The drive was silent, yet it held such comfortability. George had his eyes focused outside most of the drive, watching the water splash onto the car as it drove through puddles. But when he didn't have his gaze outside, it was on Clay. It wasn't until now that George actually took a close look at the blonde. Of course, he saw the simple things like his green eyes, tall structure, and wavy blonde hair, but now he could really focus on it. George saw how his light brown eyebrows would furrow in focus, then relax when his gaze would come onto him. He saw how the faint freckles scattered along his cheeks evenly.

Clay drove with one hand on the steering wheel and one resting on the center console, he often took deep breaths (probably still trying to calm his anger from before), and his face had a concentrated yet relaxed expression.

George found him gorgeous, if only I could have his amazing, toned, body. If only I could have his beautiful expressions. If only... Wait, why is he even helping me? I don't deserve this good treatment!

Clay looked over at George, feeling the tension come back inside the car. As he looked over at the brunette, he found that George was staring at him
... Maybe admiring him... but he quickly turned away, a blush covering his cheeks. "We are almost at my place. You can talk there if you want, if you don't that's fine too." Clay smiled, looking back at the road and placing his other hand on the steering wheel as he turned onto a different road.

George nodded but still had his head facing away and his hands fidgeting. "You're fine George." Clay brought his right hand off the steering wheel again and placed it on George's shoulder, rubbing quiet circles with his thumb. George seemed to melt into the simple touch, even if he wasn't a very touchy person himself.

The rain seemed to slow down a bit as they arrived at Clay's home. No other cars were parked outside the house, meaning it would be just them.

Just me and Clay. Sounds like a dream come true to some people but to me, it's going to be just a heartbreak.

Clay has always tried being there for George, today really reminded him of that ever since he distanced himself as a way of coping.

Clay was the first to leave the car, grabbing his own things and George's stuff from the backseats. The rain was rewetting his blonde wavy locks, they curled slightly at the ends.

"Are you going to get out?" Clay asked, his tone much more playful and relaxed than before. George jumped, waking up from whatever he was thinking about and then getting out of the car to follow Clay inside his house.

The house was very nice, when you enter there is a short hallway which separates into the kitchen, dining room, and lounge. If you look to your right, before entering the lounge, there is another hallway which leads to the bathrooms and bedrooms.

There were family photos lined along the tan colored walls and they all looked happy in each one. George smiled when he came up to one which Clay was making a goofy face with his little sister.

"Are you wanting anything to eat? Maybe drink?" Clay asks, already in the kitchen.

"I-I'm good... Wait, water sounds good actually." George replies indecisively, walking into the kitchen and leaning against the kitchen island. Clay nods and grabs a cup from the cupboard, then putting ice and water into the cup before handing it to George. The brunette smiles in thanks.

Clay grabs himself a glass of water and rests right next to George, also leaning on the counter. A few minutes of silence passes through the boys, but Clay ends up being the first to break the silence.

"So, do you want to talk." Clay tries his hardest to not look at George's arms. He did happen to hear and see what Clarance revealed. He must have looked at them at some point as George seemed to shrink underneath himself, hiding his hands behind his back.

George sighs, he's going to figure out at some point. I don't need to tell the full truth, maybe just the half-truth.

"I guess." Clay perks up not expecting George to want to talk at all.

"Okay, let's move over to the couch then." Clay gets up and heads over to the lounge, moving some pillows off the couch to make more room. "Alright, I'm here. Please tell me everything, I really care about you and don't want you hurt yourself, okay?" Clay's tone is serious but calm, reassuring George as he sat down on the comfy couch by Clay.

Clay has his left arm resting behind George on the back of the couch, he stares at George as if he's a fallen angel from the heavens. Gazing into George's deep chestnut eyes, trying to read every emotion that boy felt.

George took in a slow breath and began. He didn't talk nor did he release his breath in response. Instead, he rolled up his sleeves, closed his watering eyes, and showed Clay.

Clay couldn't help but gasp.
1326 Words

Ooooo who's liking these cliffhangers hehe?! I am! Their a lot of fun to write lol.

Hope you enjoyed the first two chapters of this book! Cant wait to write more!!

Have a good night or day!! Get some water!!

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