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George looked away as he said this, adverting eye contact at all costs. Clay could tell this took a lot of guts to muster up, George hasn't even had a proper conversation with him since junior year. Clay inhaled, trying to word by word plan out what to say, to not mess anything up.

"I care about you because I understand what you're going through. I want you to know that you always have someone to go to, someone who will listen and care." Clay stated without any stutter, it was very clear and concise.

George nodded in thought, "How do you understand?" Clay scrunched his nose, but George wouldn't open up more unless he did.

((TW: Mentions Self Harm and Scars. Be safe! <3))

"I-I used to do what you did." You could see the pain in Clay's eyes. George looked at Clay, shock spread through him like lightning. Clay focused his stare onto the pavement, looking at every crack which was slightly dusted with moss. He looked back up at George before getting off the swing and walking in front of the shorter. He then lifted his pant leg, revealing ever so much.

"I haven't done it in a very long time, like years. Probably stopped when I met you actually." Clay said, tracing over his own scars. There was a good number of scars, you could tell he did it for weeks, maybe months. They weren't very straight or precise either, rather jagged actually. He must have used something like a razor you would use to shave your face. He smiled up at George, placing his pant leg down and moving back to his swing. "As you see, though. I overcame it and I know you can too." Clay's smile never left. The blonde pushing his swing closer to George to rest his hand on the brunette's thigh.

George, again nodded, wiping tears which hadn't yet fallen. "I-okay." George sounded like he was going to retaliate against Clay's words of encouragement, however he simply complied. Clay let his swing return into place, letting it settle and lightly swing back and forth. Both boys spent a few minutes, not thinking, just resting. These last couple of days have been very emotionally draining.

((TW over))

As the soothing silence wafted over them, light raindrops from the looming clouds started to fall. Light raindrops turned into buckets of water falling from the sky within seconds. The two eyed each other quickly, smiles and laughs overcame them as they bolted from the swings and ran to Clay's car.

Clay, being the more athletic of the two, pulled George as they ran. George already lazily dragging behind. Their heavy footsteps making the water splash onto their jeans and wetting their shoes immediately. Their sweaters became soaked with water, the wind only making them colder than they already were.

Finally coming up to the car, Clay got a chance to look at George. He had never seen his hair messily scattered or wet in fact. It was kind of hot in a way, as it looked naturally curled and pushed forward slightly in his face. The darker shade of brown complemented his already pale skin, but it brought out his freckles.

"You're staring, Clay." George said in a joking manner before slamming his door shut. Leaving Clay in the rain and stood there red in the face. He laughed it off, opening his own door and closing it before much water could get into the car. George gave him a smile, it was a very grateful one and Clay returned it before starting up his car and driving off.

This time the car ride wasn't quiet, instead the rain could be heard from inside the car as it pattered against the windshield. Clay also turned on the radio, the mumbled music being quite comforting.

"My house?" Clay asked, not exactly knowing where they were going.

"Sure, that would be nice." So, with that Clay nodded and turned the car onto a road which would lead them to Clay's house.

They entered the house, ditching their wet shoes near the front door before darting down the hall and into Clay's room. Clay was tired of the emotional crap; he was in a rather goofy mood now after the whole rain situation. After finding extra clothes for both himself and George, he chucked a pair of black sweats and a grey sweater at George. Though, instead of landing in the brunette's hands it hit him smack dab in the face.

"Agh- Clay! That was my face!" George glared at Clay, unable to keep a straight face in the end.

"I-I know!" Clay was now wheezing his very common tea kettle sounding laugh, leaning on his knees trying to catch his breath. George hit him playfully on his back, then leaving to go into the bathroom to change. As for Clay, he quickly changed into some comfy charcoal grey sweats and a thinner black sweater that he had and sat patiently on his bed.

George walked in, his hair still lightly damp, from the random downpour of rain. The sweats and sweater were way too big for him, clearly being one of Clay's larger sized outfits. He looked very cute with slight sweater paws and the sweats being tied up. Clay was very much checking him out like he was a model stood before him.

George felt a light warmth cover his cheeks as he walked over to Clay's bed and took a seat as well. Clay scooted closer. With George being a not so touchy person, you could tell Clay's movements were subtle to not make the brunette uncomfortable. Though, George leaned into Clay first this time. George was also reminded of yesterday, how right it felt to be in Clay's touch.

Clay wrapped his arm around George's shoulder as the shorter leaned in closer. He felt the brittle cold come off George, so after a bit of this somewhat awkward stance, he got up and moved to the other side of his bed. Clay then got under the covers and laying against the headboard. George caught the memo and got into the same position, although this position altered over the next few minutes as sleep covered the boys just like the blankets, they laid in.

Soon enough, George was cuddled into Clay's chest, his breathing matching the blonde's, same with his own heartbeat. Then sleep casted over George. Clay looked down at his best friend, so peaceful and so pretty as he slept. Clay shifted his body carefully downward onto his pillow, his arm rested along George's back and his hand near the brunette's head, playing mindfully with the no longer wet strands of hair.

Clay had always had some sort of, what you would call, feelings for George. Only now, Clay couldn't help but love his best friend, more than a friend. He smiled down at the brunette before repeating what he did the day before. He gave George a little kiss on the forehead, "I love you, George."

At this George's sleeping body cuddled deeper into Clay and soon the blonde found himself in a peaceful, needed sleep.
1200 Words

I want to cry and "aww" at this chapter lol. As emotional as it was, it really gives some background on Clay's character and why he cares so much about George.

Since this chapter is kinda short! You get another one today!! YAY! Lmao!!

Go get some water or some snacks, next chapter is gonna be equally cute and emotional <3

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