Change of mind

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"Yes, I'll be right over."

And so he was. Only ten minutes later was he knocking on George's door.

George answered the door and Clay gave him one look over. His hair was messy, his eyes were strained, he looked tired. He quickly brought George into a hug, and he could feel George's arms wrap tiredly around his waist.

"Are you okay George?" He felt George's head move up and down as in yes, though no words came from his mouth. "You sure?" George giggled; it was very faint, but it definitely was there.

"Yeah, I'm-I'm better." George pulled away and looked Clay in the eyes. His dark brown eyes were even darker than dark chocolate, but Clay kept eye contact with him. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything. I really don't deserve-"

"You deserve it all George."

"I-I know, but like, you do so much." He giggled again, it was so sweet and so relaxed. Clay nodded and smiled down at his boyfriend.

"You're welcome, I guess." Clay also let a chuckle fall from his lips. They hugged again and walked upstairs where they laid in bed together, cuddling like no tomorrow. That is also where they fell asleep.


The following day, George and Clay went to school. Everything was normal except the Clay could tell something was on George's mind. George kept close, but he didn't seem close enough. He felt distant, lost in his thoughts.

Clay waited until they left school to ask anything, not wanting to start anything at school which was a very uncomfortable place for George.

Together they went to the park, the storm had cleared, and the sun was out. Trees were green and just as assumed many months ago, the paths of the park were illuminated a lush green. It was gorgeous out, can't say it was particularly warm out, more like a hot seventy-five degrees (F). Clay and George walked together, hand in hand, down the paths. Soon, they came across the same swings which they have had a very encouraging conversation together before.

Clay gave George a childish look before dragging his boyfriend over to the swings. Like the first time they swung on the swings, Clay took off, trying to get as high as possible. As for George, he stayed low, swinging back and forth slowly, a smile on his face as he watched his boyfriend playfully swing.

After Clay got all his energy out, he came back down and slowed to George pace. Then, he looked at the brunette with bliss before leaning in and placing a kiss on George's forehead. George giggled and returned the kiss happily.

"So," Clay started, causing George to giggle at the sudden break of quiet.


"Can I kinda ruin the moment?" Clay asked, laughing at his shyness to talk about the subject. George's fun smile stopped and dropped into a frown.

"It's about... Yesterday, isn't it." Clay nodded, "Okay, go ahead. I'm ready."

Clay took a breath in, releasing it before starting, "What happened yesterday? Like, I understand what happened at the school, but what happened at your house?"

A few moments of silence pass between the two before George finally talks, "I-I almost reverted to my old coping habits." Clay never looked away from George, except his eyes did soften.

"You say almost, did you?"

"No, I didn't. I-I came close, but I fought it. That's-That's why I called you."

"George, words can't even express how proud I am of you." Clay stated before getting up from the swing and pulling George from his. "I'm so, so proud of you. You did it. You broke the cycle."

Clay grabbed George into a hug, happily letting George cry into his blue sweater. He rubbed comforting circles into his boyfriend's back and whispered congratulations into his ear. He was more than proud, more than happy, that his boyfriend fought against his urges.

After a bit, George pulled away, a smile on his face, "I-I even threw away the razor!" He laughed, relieved of a heavy weight of fifty bricks on his back. Clay laughed as well, pulling him into another hug. This moment was so good for the both of them.

A moment or two later, the boys were walking back to Clay's car. George stopped them though, stepping in front of Clay. A large smile on his face as he rested both of his arms on his boyfriend's shoulders.

"I love you, Clay. I don't say it enough, but I love you and I'm so happy to have you, so thankful."

"Georgie, I could say the same." And they leaned into one another, kissing in the sun's rays.


The rest of the week passed without any more drama. Everyone was happy there was only one more week of school left. The last Monday, the last week of homework (if any), the last days of childhood. It would be time to grow up and become young adults in the world.

"Hey! Clay, George!" Nick yelled across the school's parking lot. He ran over to the two, Karl following shortly behind. "Get your asses out of the car!" he laughed out.

"Jeez, no need to be so rude." Clay got out of his car, George already walking around to the driver's side.

"Well, you guys were going to just drive off and go whatever dirty stuff you guys do." Karl stifled a laugh as the blonde and brunette exchanged looks of disgust and blushed, before continuing, "We wanted to double check you're coming to the party this Friday."

"Oh, hell yeah we are going! I wouldn't miss it." George said excitedly. He wanted to go for sure now, he already decided a while ago that he wanted to go to one last high school party.

Clay nodded in agreement, "Yeah we're going! Did you think we weren't?"

They all laughed as a group, a few more random topics bouncing around as they talked. They all finally departed to their own car's a few minutes later, Clay and George leaving in Clay's car.

The party being in everyone's minds.
1023 Words

Yeah, yeah. Very short chapter I know, but it's a filler lol. I'm also running out of inspiration, sooooo yeah.

Once again, 1-2 more chapters left. Need ideas for a new book. Preferably less romantic in a sense, but I don't mind. Maybe SBI (Philza, Techno, Wilbur, etc.)? Something adventurous maybe? Anyway, ideas! Please!

But for now, have a goodnight or good day! Stay hydrated! Byeee!! <333

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