Just a hope

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((CW: Cleaning cuts and fluff <3))
When Clay looked down at George, expecting a large reaction, the boy was sleeping. Of course, Clay sighed with a smile. The brunette snuggled deeper into Clay, his snores mumbling quietly through Clay's sweater. Clay kept fiddling with the brown hairs on George's head, his only thoughts being about George, he found himself falling asleep as the clouds kept darkening.


About three hours later, both boys still laid in each other's arms. Clay was spooning George with his arms wrapped around the smaller tightly and protectively. George faced away from Clay now, one arm laid underneath his head and the other curled against his chest. George clearly needed this sleep, as he didn't wake up to a single sound or movement made. As for Clay, he seemed to be getting the lightest sleep he's had in a while.

A muffled sound of the front door closing alerts Clay awake, "What was that?" he mumbles, sitting up carefully to not wake up George. He waits, listening keenly to what sounded like footsteps of two people walking up the stairs. Clay sits up a bit more, scooting George away a little bit. George whines quietly missing the warmth and hold Clay had on him.

Not even seconds later, there's the noise of a door opening and closing from the other room by George's. Clay relaxed, coming to the conclusion it was George's parents. Wow, they really do just sleep and work, don't they? Clay chuckled into his hand to stay quiet. He turned back to George who was now facing him.

George's eyes were closed, he looked relaxed and content, happily snoring away and hopefully dreaming nothing but good things. Clay couldn't help but smile at his friend, he admired George's half freckled face and his light brown eyebrows which would scrunch together occasionally. Clay got back into the bed, covering himself with the light comforter and bringing George up against him again.

George naturally wrapped his own arms around Clay and came closer to the new warmth, falling back into a heavy sleep once comfortable. Clay took a deep breath, before falling asleep again. This time his sleep was deeper and cozier than the last.


The sun awoke George the next morning, as it shown from his window. George squinted, not used to the sudden flash of light in the morning, his blinds usually closed. George had yet to notice the warm weight that laid against him, pulling him closer every once in a while.

Well now he noticed.

Clay's warm breath hit the back of George's neck, causing the brunette's stomach to explode in butterflies and his face flash red. He shivered every time Clay released a breath, he could feel every hair on his neck stand. It's not like he didn't enjoy it, though. He actually found it very relaxing and peaceful as it continued in a steady, in and out, beat.

George had never felt so at peace with himself.

How could one feel so happy, so refreshed, after what had happened the night before? Maybe it was the needed sleep. Maybe it was the bright sun which woke George up. Maybe it was just as simple as it being the weekend. But could it be Clay's warmhearted hold. Could it be Clay's care for each cut on George's arms. Could it be the fact that what Clay said in his sleep was true?

Clay meant it.

George had heard Clay's statement before he fell asleep, or he was dreaming, but he doubted that. The words were crystal clear; George could even recall the little giggle Clay let out mid-sentence. What was he going to do? He played it as if he was sleeping, ignoring the words. He would talk about it, just not yet.

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