The Bookstore Girl and the Love She Never Knew She Had... by Summer Cheng

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     Levy closed up the book shop. She went home alone as usual. She had no one special in mind. She was happy with it that way. Things were complicated enough with business as it is without adding romance to the picture.

       She had two friends, Lucy and Gajeel. She thought Gajeel to be rather strange. She knew he was kind, but he rarely spoke. She believed maybe he disliked her but never said as much so as not to hurt her feelings.

      She arrived home within a few minutes. She never paid attention to the lad who watched her from afar. She entered her house. She closed the door, locked it, and went to work. She swept the floors, mopped them, and scrubbed the toilets. She washed her hands, and soon it was time to fix the dinner.

        Levy set an extra place in case he showed up. She did not think he would since it had been weeks. She did so out of habit now. She hummed as she cooked.

      She heard the doorbell and opened it to find Gajeel standing there. She smiled. "Do come in, Gajeel. Uh, dinner will be ready soon."

         Gajeel smiled. He sighed a bit. Levy did not notice as she finished getting the food ready.

           "Here you go. Now, make sure to let it cool first before you eat it."

            "Yes, mother!"  

            Levy scowled at his remark.  "Gajeel, you should not say such things. People might get the wrong idea."

              "Awe, lighten up, Levy."  

               Levy washed the dishes in silence. She did not know what had not gotten into Gajeel lately.  First, he speaks up more.  Next, he uses bold and outgoing words.  It is enough to make her more confused than she felt already.

                She saw him on her sofa asleep. She blushed at the sight.  She could see the outline of his muscles under his shirt.  No, bad Levy, she scolded herself at where her thoughts had taken her.

                 The next day, she awakened to someone else with their arms around her. Strange, she was sure she slept alone all night.  She turned around when she heard a groan.  She gasped.

                 "G-Gajeel, what are you doing here?"

                "I spent the night last night. I got lonely, so I joined you."

              As soon as he saw her beet-red face, Gajeel smirked.  He laughed.  " I did not do anything to you."

                Levy nodded her head.  "I have to go to work now."

        She got up and prepared for the day. Soon, she was all set for her job.

                Gajeel grabbed her wrist. He pulled her close and kissed her.  He released her when she gasped for air.  He shook his head. Maybe, she hated it. He knew it was not right, so why had he kissed her?

                 Levy was too stunned for words.  She arrived at work a few minutes early.  Later, she read the text from him.

                  Gajeel's text to Levy

                 Shrimp, I hope you are not mad.

            I swear, I did not mean to kiss you.

                Levy's text to Gajeel

                 Metalhead, you can not just kiss me and then tell me it meant nothing.

                  Gajeel's text to Levy

             Fine, it meant everything to me.

                 Why does it matter?      You do not feel the same.

             Levy's text to Gajeel

            What do you mean?

                Gajeel shook his head. He slammed his fist into the desk in anger.  How could she act as if the kiss was special to her?   He knew very well it was one-sided his feelings.  They must be, right.    It was not as if she returned the kiss.

                He scowled.  "Shrimp will never love me."

       A  few hours later,  Levy returned home. She found Gajeel had left with only a note behind him to clue her in on what was happening right then.

          "No, Gajeel.  I can not believe it."

     Levy ran outside in search of him. She found him about to jump off a bridge. She stopped him.  She hugged him and he did not look up at her.

        "Gajeel, it is me, Levy."

       Gajeel looked at her with sadness in his eyes. 

  "Levy, I promise never to trouble you again, shrimp.  You have my word, and..."

     Levy grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him close. "Shh, stop it, you metalhead, do you know you can not leave me?  I won't let you, you hear!"

      She kissed him before he could back away enough to slip into the murky water below the bridge. 

        Gajeel wrapped his arms around her. He slowly let his lips respond with a kiss of his own.

        "Levy, I love you!"  

        "Gajeel, I am sorry, it took me so long to see it.  To see that all along, the love I never knew I had, but needed was right there in front of me."

          "Does this mean what I think it does?"

         "Gajeel, I love you too!"

            Levy and Gajeel left the bridge together and went on a walk.  They held hands, talked, and kissed.  Now, at long last, they were a couple.

          The end...

bye, bye, little owlets!

-Summer out!

Sorry if it is cringe-worthy, but I  felt it was a suitable one-shot for this folder.

Fairy Tail one-shot stories by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now