Chapter 3

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Izuku pov

As i'm walking with kachan into u.a i see a read haired kid with sharp teeth staring at kachan so i smirk and push kachan towards him and run into u.a and head to 1-A

Kiri pov(imma be switching povs a lot this chapter sorry😅)

as i walk into u.a "I still can't believe i got in…" I mumble but as I'm walking I see him….oh my god that's the guy from my dreams! I can't believe my soulmate got in too!! The guy next to him spots me and i see him smirk and then push they guy towards me and run off i blush being closer to him and when he finally stumbles onto me from the push he yells “dammit deku when i catch up to you your going to DIEEEEE!!” i just keep on blushing because he’s on top of me and then i get an idea i roll over and now he’s under me and then i smirk and say “so, what's your name?”  i see him blush a bit and then says “none of your business shitty hair!!” I giggle at his attitude and then I let my thoughts slip out “wow, I still can't believe I found my soulmate on the first day of school” I then hear him laugh and then say “ oh that's what this whole thing is about! Ha! If you think I'm your soulmate you're wrong, those things don't even exist!” I feel my heat sink after hearing that sentence….that's why he didnt recognize me….I feel myself about to cry so i get off of him quickly and run as fast as i can to the closest bathroom

Bakugou pov

As he runs off i feel this strange feeling in my gut...i didnt do anything wrong, he’s the stupid one who pinned me ton the not at fault...i..i know im self defence...then hwy do i feel bad...ugghh stupid feelings!! I then quickly try to catch up to deku when i see him laughing with a blue haired nerd and  a brown haired dork so i run up to him and yell “deku what the hell was that for!!” and he instantly freezes

Few minutes before

Deku pov

I'm running as fast as i can to try to run from kachan so i don't die but in the hall im i look back to make sure im safe but as i am i feel myself falling but then i feel a tap on my shoulder and i stop falling when i finally get on my feet i see the brown haired girl i saved and a blue haired person with glasses the blue haired kid then said while waving his hand in the air "you shouldn't run in the hall it's disrespectful to the school!" i laugh and then the others laugh as well and then i stop when i hear kachan say "deku what the hell was that for!!" I froze as I heard his angry stomps but since I was feeling a bit courageous I turned around and said "I saw the look in the red haired guys eyes, he's your soulmate!!" I saw him get really guilty and then said "r-really.." I nod and he has a fearful look in his eyes when I see him turn around and start running towards the bathroom. I then got mad at him 'what the hell did he say to that guy…' I think as I look at the direction he went with sad eyes and then turned to them with a smile and then the brown haired girl asked "who was that and what was that about?"  i just give her a warm smile to calm her and then i say "it's nothing" she just nods and then tries to switch topics by saying "we should get to class yeah?" they both nod and we all walk to class in awkward silence

Kiri pov

I'm almost done crying and I'm cleaning myself off but then I hear loud running and then the door bursts open and I see my soulmate run up to me and lean’s on me and tries to say while out of breath “i'm so so so sorry! I’m always that way, I get it if you wont forgive me, but in my defence i didn't know you were my soulmate, a lot of people at my old school faked being my soulmate! And when i asked my friend he said you … so sorry” i look at him for a second and then hug him tight and say “i forgive you...just...just don’t do that ever again” he nods and we just stand there for a  minute and then we hear the bell reminding us we still need to go to class so we rush to class and, fortunately, i'm in his class

~time skip to lunch cuz  class is boring :/ ~

Shiggy pov (hehe weren't expecting that hehehe)

I got out of bed because of being hungry, I've been a bit angry due to my soulmate. So instead of going on a rampage I have decided to take on gaming because i'm tired of having to go to the doctors when I get injured during fights so instead of killing people in real life, i'm doing it in game. When i get to the kitchen i say “kurogiri make food please” i say the last part a bit sarcastically i hear kuro sigh and then say “ok young shigaraki” and he goes to the kitchen behind the bar to make food. when he comes back he has ____ ( idk u pick) and i start eating, when i'm finished i start for my room but then kurogiri says "if your still angry about your soulmate getting in you could attack the school and see how he reacts" I stop and get a wide grin on my face and then say "that's a good idea"  so i turn and start to form a plan with kurogiri and when i'm done i go to my room and occupy myself with video games until the time comes

~time skip to the attack~

deku pov

As i walk into the u.s.j in amazement i see a purplish black foggy mist appear in the center we all are worried because tons of villains came out of it and then when they were all out I saw him...shigaraki..why is he here... is  he mad at me...i never thought about it but...he is a villian...he could have gotten upset that i wanted to be a hero….was he…? the misty fog appeared in front of  our whole class and then teleported my class to various places in the facility and then teleported me to shigaraki and then i asked "are you mad at me...i'm sorry for not considering your was selfish of me.. " he then replied "yes..yes i am mad...and no i wont except your apology, i'll only except if you give me a kiss…. on the lips" i smiled and then leaned in and kissed him on the lips for a few seconds and then separated i see him smirk and then i realize what he did...i kissed the front of my teachers and classmates...oh god i turn around and everyone is staring at us..oh no..i then step on shiggys foot and then say "what the hell! You did this on purpose you jerk! You may not want me to but i want to be a hero!" he rolls his eyes and responds "yeah yeah i know" so i quickly respond " just because i'm your soulmate doesn't mean you can ruin my career by kissing me in public!" at this point allight was here also staring at the sean, so i look at them all and then at shiggy and i punch him in the face, not too hard because  love him but not to soft and then i said “now, i have to go explain somethings and hopefully i don't get arrested so if i do that will be a reminder of me” i then walk out of the u.s.j and leave everyone inside dumbfounded and shigaraki angry, but i laugh at the thought of him letting me punch him and i just smile and when the police arrive they bring to the station for questioning. When I'm finally in a medal room with a detective he asks me “are you in an intimate relationship with the villain known as shigaraki?” “yes” “is he your soulmate?” “yes” “are you a spy” “no” “when is the last time you saw him before today?” “never before today, we sent letters and texted and met in dreams but ive never met him in real life before the u.s.j incident” “has he told you anything about the lov?” “no, just complains about how annoying they are” “have you told him anything vulnerable about heroes” “i don't think so, i mean i may have mummbeld it, it's a habit but it’s always gibberish, just ask my classmates” “ok we're done here you can go” i nod and leave, in the direction of my house. When i get there i hear kachan laughing with kirishima so i sneak into our room and yell “HELLO” they both visibly jump and i laugh and then kiri looks at me and says “so, is the reason you never talk about your soulmate because he’s a villain?”  i nod and then say in relife “ yeah, but at least now i can talk about it while your here” kiri asks “did bakubae know” i giggle at the name and then say “yeah, its the main reason i live here” “wow…that must be complicated

Srry this took longer than expected 😬 but uh hope u like it👍

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