Chapter 6

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When i hear the door open i look up just to see aizawa with an even more tired look on his face than normal so i just keep my eyes on him, still trying to ignore the whispers coming from the back of the room...still. He then goes to the front of the class and says “we will be doing nothing important today, so if you need to, sleep, talk, do whatever, just don't wake me” i sigh and put my head down on the table and think about shiggy and think about what we could to later, or talk about, or watch, or even places to go on a date. But when i feel a  really bad burn on my shoulder i turn and see todoroki with his hand on my shoulder and then i feel my drawing of shigaraki being floated away by uraraka so i get worried and then i see her get a smirk on her face and then asks “hey momo, do you think you can Hey momo, can you make a life sized doll of this drawing?" she nods and before i know it, i see a realistic doll of shigaraki…. I then get a bit scared on what they're going to do todo then lifts his hand and uraraka says "hey ou stupid deku! This is what we're going to do to your stupid soulmate!" todo then sets fire to the doll and i let a tear slip just imagining it then aizawa quickly gets up at the smell of fire and quickly puts the fire out and disposes of the doll and then dismisses everyone but todo, uraraka,momo, and me. When the rest of the class leave we all go up to his desk and he says “you all need to not bully izuku, this is not something i should have to talk to you about, the only reason i'm not expelling you all right now is because you guys are just teenagers and are going through your own shit, however you are all suspended. Mydoria is staying here. I need to talk to you alone" They all left and then when they were gone, Aizawa sighed and said "mydoria, I understand your going through...things...but you can't just let them bully you, but if you really can't, just call for a teacher, it's not snitching at this point" i nod and then he asks "also...i heard a dangerous rumor that i need to know if its true or not...are you...all for ones son…" o freeze for a second and then say "yes… i just recently found out though" i see aizawa get worried at this fact so i ask "i-is it going to affect me at all…" i hear him sigh and then say "i'm afraid so...but not much, we just need to question you...i'm sorry" i nod and ask "when?" he says “later this week" i sigh and say "ok"

When I get home I go straight to my bed and lay face first. When I hear the door open I see misuki with a worried look on her face so I ask “What's wrong?” she sighs and says “inko just got arrested, just thought you would want to know” i just sigh and say “ok” she leaves and i just go back to sleep

After a while I woke up to Kachan yelling “deku! There's a call for you!” i just sigh and say “ok” i get up and go to the living room and he tosses me the phone. When I put it to my ear I say “hello?” I heard a gasp and then I heard Inko's voice say “h-hey, I just wanted to say that I love you… i'm sorry i reacted the way i did i just...i didn't….i dont..” i hear a sigh and then she continues “i love you and...i wasn't raised right and i was taught very well….and you remind me of my parents and they weren't the best people" o then say "well my mom cant exept that im gay" and as i was about to hang up she said " done...i tried" i got worried about what she said so i hesistated a bit, but hung up a second later. i then went to the kitchen to stress eat (cuz who doesn't 😒) and just kept eating until there were no more sweets so i went up to my room to sleep, except for when i got there i saw afo sitting on my bed so i say "why are you here!" he then says "well, your bitch of a mother gave up, so i get to take you in as hisashi midoriya and, the best part is you get to live with tenko"  my eyes go wide and i say "that's what she was talking about!" I hear him try to hold in a laugh so I huff and I ask "So how are you going to adopt me, auntie and kachan dad already did?"  he replies with "well, i could kill them, or i could reintroduce myself into society, and then go to court, or i could just ask them" i then just look at him and say "just ask them!" he chuckles and then says "yeah yeah ok" i then say "well now that i know what's happening i can sleep in peace, thank you" he nods and then teleports away i then get in my bed and go to sleep

Ok ok ok, i get that this one is short, but i need to catch up on my youtube 😅

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