Chapter 5

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I wake up in cold sweat, the past few days I've been having the same nightmare every night. I see shigaraki doing two girls, and then kurogiri tries to save me, but shigaraki disintegrates him, and then afo walks in and kills shigaraki and the the two girls and then walks up to me and hits me, again and again until after a while he says "your not good enough, i'm going to kill everyone you care about, and you can't do anything" i shed a tear and then i wake up, it has happened every night since that day, inko calls every day, but i don't answer. Despite that, I get up and get dressed. After my morning coffee, I skip breakfast because I'm not hungry. I leave with bakugou and we meet kirishima and the others on the way to class. When we get there we sit in our seats and I draw my nightmare, so I can destroy it. I read somewhere that it helps a little. When i'm done I crumble it up and I ask "hey kachan can you burn this?" he looks at me in confusion and then un crumples the paper and looks at me in shock so i say "i heard something about it helping a bit" glhe sighs, re crumbles it, and then explodes it. I sigh hoping that it helps just a bit and then I hear the villain alarm go off and we all stand up and run to the hall and I see him…
shigaraki, dabi, toga, kurogiri, and a bunch of others. All of the hero's look to me to see if i knew anything but i just looked at shigaraki in pain...kurogiri....i start to panic.." no....kurogiri...shigaraki....dabi…. no....i cant save…" at this point everyone is staring at me and then kurogiri walks up to me and whispers "im am truly sorry for what my master has done...but if he didn't forget you, he would have killed you and sir shigaraki can't possibly take that at this point… on behalf of him...i'm sorry" i nod and shed a  tear, he walks back and then says "that is the only reason why we came, sorry for the intrusion…" then they all left…. one of the teachers come up to me and ask "what did he tell you…" i say "he was informing me of the reason why shigaraki had his memories of me....forgotten…" when i said that everyone went silent, until uraraka said "oh my god! Not even the villains want you! you really are useless!" she laughed and soon enough the rest of her 'squad' joined in, so i walked up to her, put a gun to her head and said "bitch, say one more thing about me, shigaraki, or the rest of my friends, i'll shoot" she looked at me terrified and then aizawa put his hand on my shoulder and i shed a tear and i said "you all have no clue how terrible it feels … quirkless …. to have your own MOTHER NOT EXEPT THAT YOUR be bullied all of your life… just to be bullied by future heros because of something out of your control....NOT A CLUE!" at this point everyone was looking at me with worried eyes, with tears rolling down my eyes. I put the gun down and walked away…. I leave the building and sit under a tree and continue to sob and sob until i feel a hand on my shoulder so i look up and see right now....i hear her start "izu baby...i-im so so sor-" and i yell "NO!YOU CAN'T JUST COME BACK!I DON'T CARE HOW SORRY YOU ARE! IT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT YOU HATE ME, IT DOESN'T TAKE AWAY THE TRAMA!" i get up and walk home and go to the kitchen and start to clean and hope that it helps me calm down

When i'm done with that i go to my room and try to sleep...hoping that i don't have the same nightmare...but right as i'm about to fall asleep i feel if...somethings bond is....gone....but...but is it possible…and i feel myself fall asleep


all i see is black...but then...a shadow…? I squint  to see if i recognize it...but i don't… so i just look around a bit surprised it's not the same nightmare…. but then the shadow thing starts coming closer...and then it stops right in front and then slaps me so i look at it closer to see og i recognize it now that it's closer to me and, i kinda recognize it, i've seen it before, i just don't know were, so i look closer and then it hits me……”dad?”  then he says “yes, it is me...i'm sorry for doing that to you but...shigaraki isn't good for you….he….he’ll hurt you and i don't want that to happen to runs in our family that our soulmates hurt so sorry…” i then look at him  and then say “wait...your….all for one….” he nods and then says “i'm so so sorry for not telling you….i just didn't want to hurt you...when i met your mother she was being abused by her soulmate and then i helped her….so i just don't want him to hurt you…” i nod and then say “i get your reasons but he wasn't hurting me...if anything my mother was hurting me….he was helping me so time think before you act…” he nods and then says “well if he’s mean to you in anyway i'm going to hurt him!” i laugh and then nod

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