Let's be friends

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Harry's footsteps echoed through the dungeons as he made his way into his common room. He had pushed past Draco and the Head Boy once the password had been revealed and bought himself a few seconds.

Looking around, he saw green couches with tufted backs, sleek brown and black tables, green lamps that let off a dim glow, and a bright fireplace on each wall of the stone room.

(Ignore the Christmas tree)

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(Ignore the Christmas tree)

"POTTER!" Draco yelled, stumbling into the common room. "Woah." He said, eyes darting around.

The Head Boy of Slytherin sassily walked in, adjusting his tie, followed by the rest of the first years. His dirty blonde hair was hanging lazily by his ears while his green eyes assessed the new students standing before him.

"Hello Slytherin first years, I'm Tuso Ahas and I'm the Head Boy of Slytherin. Boy's dormitory on the left, girl's on the right, bathroom's in the back. My office is over here." He said, gesturing to a door right next to the entrance. "If you have a question, put it in the letter box on my door, I need my beauty sleep."  He flipped his non-existent ponytail and walked through the door.

Harry went and sat on one of the tufted couches near the dormitories. Within 10 seconds, Draco was sitting next to him chatting his ear off. I mean, Draco is a jerk, but he's an 11 year old. He's not always mean and menacing.

Harry was kind of tuning Draco out until he heard something that caught his ear.

"-but the potions Professor is also the head of our house. I heard he hated the Potters in his school days."

"And how did you hear that?"

"My father, obviously."

Oh, Obviously." Harry mocked. The boys laughed and snickered, chatting for the rest of the day until they had to go unpack their things.


The Hufflepuff common room came quite a surprise to Ron. Sure, he had heard his brothers talk about it, but he never expected it to be so big. After all, it was nothing like his crowded house at the burrow.

It was a large, circular yellow room with a large sunroof that sent rays of light onto each table. There were 8 round tables in the center of the room, in the middle of the large circle of couches lining the walls. The fireplace burned bright, across the room, directly opposite to the door. The plants hanging from the ceiling added a nice nature-y, light scent to the seating areas.

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Harry Potter and The Slytherin HouseWhere stories live. Discover now