Chapter 5

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Classes that day seemed to drag on forever.

For everyone except Harry, that is. Harry had never been to a nice school like this, with fancy arches and large lecture rooms and towers and libraries. He liked his professors, (for the most part), and he had even won Slytherin 10 points for answering a question correctly in Herbology.

He and his new friend Draco found themselves getting along much better than either of the two anticipated. They had the same sense of humor, and the same tolerance for foolishness. They made good company for each other.

However, one strange thing had happened during their first class of the day. Potions. After Harry had taken his seat and gotten settled, his scar began to... feel weird. At first it was a dull ache. Then it eventually grew to a searing pain. He had felt like someone was stabbing through his skin, and he was squeezing the rim of the table for support.

When he looked at the professor to at least look like he was still paying attention...

...The professor was staring directly at him.

The man turned away towards the chalk board, and suddenly the pain vanished. Gone. In an instant.

Draco seemed to notice, because he asked him about it after the class was over in a hushed voice. "What's wrong with you, Potter? You looked awful in there, gripping the desk, face all scrunched," He said as he walked next to Harry, "I thought you might have been on the brink of death or something."

"Me too." Said Harry, pushing past Malfoy and walking up ahead. Harry thought maybe he could find an explanation for what happened to him in a book somewhere. Could be some magical phenomenon. "We have a free period next, so I'll meet you at Herbology." And with that, he ran off to the library.


Hermione Granger had never had a lot of friends. People back home... disliked her, to say the least. After all, she was the best student in the whole muggle school district.

So she learned how to observe people instead of going straight to them and asking questions. She thought she had gotten pretty good at determining what someone was like through observing who they interacted with, how they acted, and what they said.

So why was her reading on the famous Harry Potter so wrong? He wasn't kind, shy, and thoughtful like she had assumed. Or maybe he had been, once.

But after one night with the prestigious Draco Malfoy, he had already changed so much. He was sassy, unfocused, and worst of all; late to class! Hermione was disappointed in him.

Luckily, after first class, Hermione's schedule had a free period. She could put that to good use. She decided to go to the one place that felt like home to her, where she could clear her mind, the place where she could learn to her heart's content.

The library.


Ron Weasley was a pure-blood wizard in a family of 9. He grew up in a magic-oriented household and had never really interacted with or even seen muggles before.

That being said, his family was poor. So poor that Ron had to use his older brother's Hufflepuff robes because they couldn't afford to buy Ron his own. So poor that Ron had to use his brother's rat, Scabbers, as his magical pet because they couldn't afford to buy the supplies for a new one. So poor that they hadn't been able to get Ron textbooks for classes, so they told him to go make a good friend who would share their textbooks with him.

So, of course, Ron was wondering how a boy who was raised by muggles had managed to purchase the entire trolley back on the Hogwarts Express. And better yet, why he had decided to share it with him.

And of course, Ron was surprised when that boy was sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, because he knew full well that Harry had a good heart.

And Ron was, yet again, surprised by Harry when he showed up to class 5 minutes late with Malfoy. The jerk who had made fun of his family.

So, to clear his head, Ron decided that the best thing he could do during his free period was to go see if he could find the textbooks he needed in the library.

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A/N: HEY GUYS! So this was a pretty short chapter, but it had big plot development. I'm SO sorry I haven't updated in months. I'm not even gonna say "I've been so busy" because that's what I always say, and frankly I don't even know when my next update will be. Thank you to the people who are still reading this book, because honestly I forgot about it.

So yeah, anyways here's the question of the chapter: What were you for Halloween last week :)

ALSO since I don't know when I'm updating again Imma say this all now. Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, and all other holidays coming up.

Thanks guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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