Chapter 11

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Night fell upon the horizon. It has a nice night, and Skye decided to go for a walk.

She went out of her pup house. Just a quick walk. To the lake and back. Skye thought.

Soon, she came across the bridge. The sound of the rushing water calmed her. Almost made her forget about her stress. Almost.

She stepped onto the bridge to get a better view, when she saw Rocky. He noticed her.

"Rocky? You're the last dog I thought would be here!" Skye joked.

Rocky smiled. "Wanna join me?"

"I'd be honored." Skye said.

Rocky scooted over, to make room for Skye.

Skye stepped onto the ledge.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Rocky sighed.

Skye nodded in agreement.



"I've been wanting to admit this for a long time now, but I could never find the right moment."

"You can tell me anything! I'm all ears!"

"You see..."

Skye paused for a moment.

Rocky's ears folded down. "Come on Skye. Spit it out. I won't hate you for admitting your feelings."

Skye looked at Rocky.

"Alright then..."

Rocky waited for Skye's words, as the river water continued flowing.

Skye finally got courage.

"I love you."

Rocky seemed stunned for a few seconds, but then he smiled and hugged Skye.

"I love you too."

I'll be there (A Paw Patrol Socky Story)Where stories live. Discover now