Chapter 6

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I'm back. I finally decided to continue this.

Skye arched her back, as she decided to exit her pup house.

As she thought, she saw Chase running up to her, like she was his favorite stick.

Skye shook the fur on her small body, and braced herself for what was coming her way.

Chase's body almost slammed right onto Skye. Chase was holding a rope toy in his jaws.

Chase then dropped it at Skye's paws, and walked away.

Skye eyed the tattered rope toy as if it were a dead spider. She saw a small note attached to it, in Chase's almost-perfect handwriting.

It read:

I'm sorry for making you feel bad, I hope this makes up for it.

No, Chase. One of your oldest toys, which is broken now, does NOT make up for it.

Skye scribbled NO onto the flip side of the note and attached it to the toy.

She pushed the rope toy across the blacktop, the drool of Chase sort of staining it.

Skye backed up, disgusted. She pushed it to Chase's pup house, knocked on the door, and ran back. She didn't want to see Chase right now.

Little did she know, that a pair of brown eyes was watching her through a thorny bush.

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