Chapter 2

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Skye woke up from her bed. She let out a yawn. She stretched, and blinked to adjust her eyes to the light.

Skye walked out of her pup house. She was greeted by a food bowl near her pup house door. She decided she was hungry, so she ate the full bowl.

She walked past Zuma and Everest, who were on a seesaw.

Skye heard pawsteps behind her. Skye turned around to see Chase, wagging his tail. "Come on, Skye! I have lots of fun things planned for today!" Skye looked down at her paws and nodded to Chase.

They were just about to play with a ball, when the moon began to rise.

As soon as Chase left, Rocky ran up to Skye. "Skye, you look sadder than usual. Are you okay? Do you need something?"

A tear rolled down Skye's cheek. "I'm fine. It's all okay." Skye said, her voice breaking.

"Are you sure? Because it sounds like you-"

"I'm fine, Rocky! Im fine!" Skye ran away in a rush.

I just feel like something is pulling me away from him... Skye thought. Then she remembered Chase. The moments of them talking and playing flooded through Skye's head like a tornado.

"I just don't know what to do..." Skye muttered to herself, more tears falling onto the dusty blacktop.

She ran over to her bed to sleep. But she couldn't. She kept her eyes open, thoughts dancing through her head.

I think I know what the right decision is here, I'm just too afraid to make it.

Hello! All I'm saying is that I'm trying to write long chapters, but knowing that I only put one day in each chapter (sometimes) it gets cut short. I'll try to make longer chapters! Thanks for reading!

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