Chapter 3

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Skye was woken up by the sounds of birds chirping. She decided that some time for herself was just what she needed. She walked out of her pup house and groaned softly.

She decided to relax in the field. Rocky sat in the corner of the field, playing with a purple, football-shaped squeak toy.

Rocky was squeaking it carelessly, as if he didn't know Skye was a few feet away from him.

Finally, Rocky noticed Skye's paws and looked up. "Ey, Kye! Wht up?" Rocky said, still muffled by the squeak toy.

"I wanted some time to myself." muttered Skye.

Rocky set down the toy. "If that's what you want, then I'll leave you alone." Rocky proceeded to pick up the squeaky toy, and left the field. But before all four of his gray paws could touch the blacktop, Skye put her front paws in front of him, preventing him from leaving. "It's okay. I just wanted to get away from Chase for a little while."

Rocky placed down the squeak toy. "Wanna play with it?" Rocky said, nudging it with with his nose.

"Sure!" Skye yipped happily.

They played with the ball all morning. Then Chase came up to the two pups. "Come on, Skye! Let's run!" Chase grasped Skye by the paw, and took her away from Rocky.

One hour later...

"I should go get some water." Skye said, walking over to her pup house. Skye closed the door and muttered several words to herself. She laid down in her bed.

5 minutes later...

Skye heard someone scratching at the door of her pup house. "Chase what do you want?" Skye growled softly, but loud enough for Chase to hear.

"It's not Chase."

"Then who is it?"

"It's me, Rocky!"

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