Chapter 3 ~ Email From The Boss

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When Y/N woke up the next morning, the right side of Wanda's bed held the sleeping form of said Avenger. Pushing themselves up a little, Y/N craned their neck to look over at Wanda's alarm clock. 6:47 am. Rubbing the sleep from their eyes, Y/N rolled back over and plucked their phone off the nightstand. Now sitting up properly, they swung their legs off the edge of the bed and began the daily, morning routine of checking their phone. Opening their emails, Y/N saw three fresh emails in their inbox, the first of which was from Tony. Y/N pressed a quick kiss into their girlfriend's hair and heaved their recently awakened body off the bed. Tapping open the email, Y/N padded softly towards Wanda's ensuite, reading the email as they did so.

To: y/n-l/ | From:

Hey Y/N!

I can't make lab time with the spiderbaby today, 'cos of a last-minute meeting that Pep says she told me about but definitely didn't. Already told him he'd have you instead, hope that's ok! (He normally gets here around half 4, leaves at 6.)



Smiling at the very Tony email, Y/N typed up a reply while JARVIS got their morning shower going.

To: | From: y/n-l/

Morning Boss

That's all ok with me. Working on something I'd like another set of eyes on anyway, so shadowing your kid won't be a problem. Have a fun meeting!


And with that sent, Y/N set their phone down and stepped into the shower. Briefly allowing the perfectly heated water to cascade down over them, Y/N ducked their head out from under the water and called out to the AI.

"JARVIS, send a message to Wanda."

"Certainly, what is the message?" JARVIS replied back, and Y/N swore the AI had got plunder to be heard over the shower. It was times like this Y/N was reminded how smart Tony was, he just didn't always know when and how to use it.

"Morning Wanda, woke up early so I'm going straight to the labs. Hope training goes well, Bucky said that Steve said they wanted you in B today, so good luck. Love Y/N."

"Will there be anything else, Mx L/N?"

"Um, oh yeah, don't wake her. Just tell when she wakes up- wait can you tell when someone wakes up?"

"My sensors are programmed to pick up noticeable breathing changes, and as such, I can sense someone waking."

"Well, that's not creepy at all." Y/N instinctively mumbled out.

"I believe Mr Stark envisioned the ability for medical reasons, but I can easily switch it off and pass on any relevant feedback."

"No, no it's fine JARVIS. Don't worry." Y/N replied, dipping back under the shower's warmth.


Walking into the lab, Y/N pocketed their ID pass as the door slide shut behind them. They walked straight over to the coffee machine in the corner, switching it on and choosing a regular cappuccino. "Sometimes the simple things are the best." Y/N off-handily thought to themselves.

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