episode four: death comes...for some II

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A flick of the switch. A billion glimmers in the stars in her eyes, twinkled all at once. She smiled widely, with the same excitement she always had. The handle creaked, slammed down. The Tardis glowed deep orange from within. But then, black. Total darkness. Until they flashed on again, one by one, no warning, like relighting after a power-cut, and they could see each other again. Then the Tardis rumbled under their feet.

The two held on. Tight. Facing each other now, Yaz shook her head, but the doctor shrugged, had no idea why. No idea what was going on.

The Tardis moaned out in pain as it jolted to one side, throwing them off course and the two women onto the floor with a crash. Above, and all around them, the lights cut out again, leaving them in complete darkness as the Tardis was pulled through time and space, against forces, against mechanics, against her will.

Against all odds.

And then they landed, looking at each other from their side of the floor, heads spinning.

"What was that?"

"Uh...I guess..."

"Doctor, if you've pulled a trick again-"


"I flippin' knew it." Yaz said, as they both stepped out of the Tardis doors. "This isn't Regency England!"

The doctor frowned at the sight beyond them, sun pouring onto her tussled brow, causing a shadow to form in the crater of her face. At first her head was tilted downwards, as thoughts, queries, worries, tugged at her mind from many directions all at once. Then, upon looking up, Yaz noticed the tight expression fall flat.

"Well, that's a bit disappointin, isn't it? The old girl took us all this way...to a field. I mean, I was expecting a war or...enemies, or, well, somethin"

"Where have you taken us this time? It'd better be worth it."

"What?" She turned her head fast. "You think this was me? Did you not see the stunt the old girl just pulled? Am not even sure she meant to come here, never mind me."

"I can never tell with you."

"Oi, what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you have a habit of not following the rules."

"Rules are for suckers, never gets you anywhere, followin the rules." The doctor said. "Not like I break them...Technically, I bend them. More fun that way. But! That isn't the point." The Doctor shook her head. "This wasn't me."

"So if it weren't you...and it weren't the Tardis, then...what are we doing here?"

She raised her eyebrows and leaned forward, and with her height and enthusiasm, she towered over Yaz. "Could be that someone really wants to see us." She paused, leaning backwards, teeth tugging on her bottom lip, hands on waist. "Could be that someone holds a grudge against me and wants to ensue their revenge after years of planning and tracking me down." She shrugged, trying to force a smile in Yaz's direction before beginning to walk away. "I'm sure its not that though."

"Well, that's comforting." Said Yaz, catching up. "I guess it's a good thing you don't have many enemies."

The doctor turned, confusion in her eyes and a seriousness in her tone. "I have a lot of enemies, Yaz."

"I was being sarcastic."

"Oh." The doctor said, then shrugged, turning away again.

"I guess we're staying then?"

"You don't have to stay, Yaz. You could always go back to the Tardis. But something, or someone, pretty much dragged the Tardis here."

"I bet you like the sound of that...a good mystery."

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