episode four: death comes...for some V

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A/N: This ones long, sorry. And unedited, but the main ideas are here, and even some foreshadowing and little details hidden within. I can't wait to get this written and edited though. Apologies for such a long wait, enjoy :D


He was coming. Fearless, because he had nothing left to fear. He was death's shadow, death's familiar, death's slave, and he would follow death wherever he saw it coming, going. Or perhaps death followed him. But however it worked, they came as an inseparable two, bound together with ropes of wire that strung around the universe and grabbed it in a chokehold. Wherever death went, he followed, and wherever he went, death rode in, cast in darkness, looming in every overlooked corner of the world, just out of sight. Wherever he went, death followed, and death would ride back, in his cloaks, unarmed, and always without a scratch on him.


She was in there somewhere. Yasmin. She was. Hidden behind locked doors, wedged between creaking wooden frames, with rusted locks, stuck. She was sleeping, dormant, her memories closed off from the doctor, from herself. But Yaz was in there, and she was in danger. The doctor knew this, because she was the one who put her there.

"Come on." She said, barely loud enough for anyone else to hear, but they knew. They were waiting. Each of them waiting for the same outcome, watching, crouching behind the doctor while she looked upon the scene; that same small country shed the focus, shot behind the immense backdrop, a picture in the distance, a safety that seemed so far away, cast behind the murky darkness that lay ahead of them. "Come on." She said, and began to shake, a nervous tic that began in her arms and legs attacked her main console as she hid.

"What are we meant to be seeing?" Oscar was the closest, his breath upon the doctor's neck, short and tripping between his words.

"The same thing you've been seeing for weeks."

"Which is?"

"Obvious killings. Murders happening right in front of your eyes." She sighed, eyes squinting at the nothing happening in front of them. "Well, not obvious. Kind of invisible really...but there were obvious patterns."


"Yeah." She said. "They always froze, became terrified, as if they knew they were about to see the very end." The doctor shrugged, glancing at the man before turning back to Yaz, hidden behind layers of wood and bent nails. "They were right."

"And now...what? That's your friend in there. She'll be defenceless."

"Defenceless?" She shook her head. "Nah. Never. She has me."

Oscar began to rise behind her when the doctor shot her hand out and pulled him back down. He grunted, his throat thick as if he had swallowed gravelled cement.
"You're using her as bait."

Trees moved ever so softly through the wind, and the wind whistled through the leaves a few songs away from them, and the doctor was silent.

"Not bait." She finally said, shifting, rolling her shoulders while the rest of her body remained stone still. "Well..."

"Yes, bait-"

"She's safe, alright?" The doctor nodded to herself, fiddled once more with the sonic screwdriver folded into the long material of her coat pocket, hearts trapped within her ribcage to stop them from beating so painfully. "She's safe. I won't let her down. The...The..."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, for the shortest moment, hoping to stop this, wishing it was just a dream, a nightmare, that this wasn't happening. She wasn't under this sky, being swept up into danger by these winds, that she wasn't sinking, slowly enough to see it all happen before her eyes, hoping that she would be able to pull herself out of it all last minute. There was a terrifying dread in the last few seconds before success, and she felt it every single time, but this time, she knew it would be different. It already was. It was personal. And not just for her, but for...

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