episode four: death comes...for some III

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"Yaz?....Yaz?" A voice crawled into the abyss, cradling, comforting. Yaz breathed in, filling her lungs with the autumn air, breathed out. Blood red filtered from the backs of her eyes to the back of her mind, tucked away for another time. The voice continued, within her, and battled with the doctors.

"Yaz, are you okay?"

All that had been blocking the sunlight, began to fall away, and the sky shot through her vision. Her eyes were open. Yellow beams were pushing through the clouds, and a face met her own, eyes looking into hers, barely open. Blonde hair brushed across her neck the way the wind did, and the doctor, she was close enough to grab by the chin and kiss. She smiled softly.

"Almost lost you there."

All her previous worries melted away at that smile. Oh how she missed that smile. How rare it was. Was she still upset? It was hard to tell after seeing that, and though not remembering anything else, she remembered their fight, her anger, her hurt, her ignorance. It was so unbearable that it followed her into unconsciousness.

"What...what happened?"

"You were almost taken." The doctor said, a haunted look in her eye. Yaz wasnt sure what that meant, or whether she should ask. Not again. She pushed herself up on her forearms, wincing as the sun met the doctor, and curled around her, repelling from her skin, from her very touch. Her face was shaded, her emotions unclear.

"Are you still mad at me?"

The doctor's face curled up as she took a double take at the woman on the floor underneath her, before remembering. Her hearts clenched in pain, but the feeling was fleeting.

"A little."

"I'm sorry." Yaz said, the words fighting her tiredness, her drooping eyelids, her falling head, that the doctor had propped up atop her forearm. Im sorry, doctor.

"I know." Said the doctor. "So am I."

With those last words, Yaz's body fell limp, fell into the doctor's arms.

She wished the young woman hadn't fallen asleep so soon, wished for one more look, a single moment shared, before darkness took her away, before doubt took its place, but she was safer this way.

That was all she ever wanted or expected Yaz to be.


"That's three people in one day. It's speeding up." A voice said. Male. Rough at the edges, and confident, but quiet. Yaz blinked her eyes open at the scene.

"Sorry, but, when you say it's speeding up..." The doctor tilted her head to the side and scrunched her nose. "What exactly do you mean? What is it?"

The man shrugged. "Hell if I know. Any of us. We just want this to be over."

"This has been happening a lot then? What is it? An illness?-"

He snorted.

"What then? That funeral...your mother, she died the same way. And as you've said, many before her. All following the same patterns. But no symptoms. These people have, what, been falling into a trance so much like death that you bury them alive, and you're saying that's not an illness?-"

"Alive?" The man shook his head. "Who are you? You're not from around here. Not that other girl either." He said. "You can't just come here and start causing problems, throwing about accusations-"

"I think you had enough problems before I got here."

The man hovered his arm behind the doctors back. "Right, and we don't need anymore-"

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