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Brooke Huxley:

Every part of my body hurt, it felt like I had been tied up here for months. The darkness that took over me is unbearable, and I don't just mean literally. I haven't seen anything for how ever long I'd been here, and it's driving me insane. No matter how loud I would scream, no matter how much I would try and get out of this, nothing worked. For a little while a thought that I was better off dead, but then I remembered that they weren't going to let me die, they haven't even started their student 7 day shit yet.

My hands are about to fall off, a tight grip has hold of them and I'm sure there is no blood left. I smell like shit, and the knots in my stomach grow every time I think of food. I feel paralyzed, my emotions, my movements, everything in me wants to give up.

Why did this happen to me? Why did they pick me? What did I do to deserve this? Was I satan in another life? This is the most pain I've ever been in and I've never felt such rage for someone as much as I have for Styles. The thought of him makes my blood boil, but to my surprise, I haven't been thinking of my enemy during this.

I've kinda just been thinking about myself, maybe if I hadn't been so bitchy this wouldn't have happened. If I just did what he said and didn't talk back, but it's just not me.

As much as I hate myself for it, I've never been one of those girls you read about in books, that care for people more than they do themselves, that turn weak in the sign of darkness, it's just simply not me.

I wish I was one of those girls, I probably wouldn't be here right now if I was. If I just kept my fucking mouth shut. I cant even control what comes out of it sometimes-

"Get the fuck up." I hear a familiar voice grunt as he pulls the blind fold off my tired eyes. I don't say anything as they adjust to the sudden sunlight, it's like waking up, but a thousand times worse.

I just look down at my knees as he unties my wrists, the blood starts to rush to them making me feel a horrible pain in my palms.

I cant even imagine how tired and bad I must look, probably better than I felt. Maybe I'm actually dead and just dreaming. I cant move anything, I feel stuck in my body that has been sitting in the same position forever.

"I said get the fuck up." He repeats sternly.

I get enough strength to slowly shake my head back in forth, making Harry role his eyes. He suddenly bends down and scoops me up, his arm under both my knees and the other behind my back for support. I don't even stop him I'm so tired right now, every muscle in me is giving out.

My eyes are still overwhelmed with the amount of light they are taking in at this moment as he begins to walk back to what I assume is the hotel. I want to die, and that's so unusual for me. I'm not scared of death, hell, I even put myself in situations to face it. But at the same time, it's one of my biggest fears.

I've never said I wanted to die, never, this was a first, I've decided the life I'm living at this moment was the only thing worse then death. The pain and discomfort going through my body at this moment was something I wouldn't hesitate to put an end to.

I want to die, and it's his fault.

I'm staring up at the sky, but I'm guessing we are close when I feel us enter a pair of doors into the hotel lobby. I look down to get a few confused stares and then back at the celling until we enter the elevator were he switches my holding position to were my legs are straddled to his waist and holds me up by my back.

I try to adjust so that I could get down and walk out of the elevator once it stops and meets our floor, but it's no use, my legs are jelly at this point.

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