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Perhaps it's not the agony nor the scars from a persons past...rather, a story. A story, that's been dropped a few times, and ripped of it's very own pages. My story, but, when you read the simple words in front of you, a bigger meaning takes hold inside, a meaning I've not yet to understand, no one will.

You begin to feel as if you're trapped in this hole, paralyzed at the bottom as more dirt slowly seeps in to take over your final breathes, you keep clawing at the edges to pull yourself up...but nothing works, it never does.

And all you wish is that one day, all the darkness will go away, that this sinking hole will close without you drowning inside, that it will bring you back up to the top and show you the light, give you the chance to be the sun.

But I'm me, and the sun doesn't shine for Brooke Huxley, the hole always finds away to lock me inside, diminishing my soul little by little every chance it gets.

I stand on the dirty gravel as my jaw drops to the ground, my heart gaping over itself as I take in what I am looking at.

My own fathers head lays soulless, blood splurged over the veins that render across the crimson service, holding the remains of any happy memories left in my tortured mind.

Everything goes blurry, my heart begins to pound to a level I think it might explode, I bite down on my teeth as hard as I can while I fold my eyebrows and nose together, slowly looking up with tears orbiting my eyes.

My brain begins to become foggy and a shining white canvas takes over my mind, almost blocking out the image my globes project.

I take a needed gasp of shortened air while I notice Harry's feet slowly coming into distance, I just shake my head, there's no way he is coming toward me, that freak.

The most absolute, tortures, freak show known as "Harry Styles." There is not a word that can describe how much destruction I hold deep inside, pounding at my organs for this inhuman cunt.

I sway my body to flip around and move one weak leg forward on the verge of collapsing before I feel cold rings digging into my skin and a strong hold on my wrist.

I slowly shake my head and let out a deafened chuckle, a pit of misery forms in me and takes over my shaky body as I carefully turn my head to him, but not dare making eye contact and instead staring straight at the ground.

"You won." I choke out, those simply words causing a stab at my heart. My head gradually makes its way to Harry's chest, my body aching as I take in the sent of his cologne.

I tilt my chin up to look at my worst enemy, as soon as my eyes meet his, it's like seeing them all over again, but now with a darker story, a story that I never wish to flip another page.

He furrows his brows and slightly shifts his head to the side in discomfort, "Ace-"

"Did this make you feel something? Did it quench your fucking desire?-"

"Yeah kinda." He mumbles to himself.

"To know, that deep down, I am weak?" I cut him off as I throw my hands in the air with tears running down my face, his grip immediately falling from my wrist and letting me turn around fully to face him.

"Are you happy that you were able to prove yourself? Is this all you really wanted? Because through all the shit, the thing you, just you, not Niall or Liv or Louis, you haven't been able to realize most is that all I've ever wanted was a sense of fucking security and that's what my father gave me, I spent all these years finally accepting the fact that he's gone, that he will never come back...and now...he's really dead, forever." I take a breath and as my world slowly caves in to say the thing I've feared most, "And it's all my fault."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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