Chapter 6 The big Summer test & Summer break!

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(Ok big time skip I skipped till the last day of school (or college) when they all take a giant test, than summer break starts ok lets start the chapter :D)

Autumn's Pov

(Finally Summer break is tomorrow, and today is the giant test that everyone has to take... I hope everyone gets a good score so we can all do summer break, because that would so great to have everyone for summer break)

Mrs. Evergreen said " Ok students, time for the Giant test on every subject. This test will tell us if we need to summer school you or let you have summer break.

~Mrs. Mirajane started putting the booklets down, so that everyone can start when Mrs. Evergreen allows us to start~

Mŕs. Evergrèen said " Ok now you may begin.

(I started reading the questions and I knew what every questions answer was it was very simple for this giant test, I was scared for Sting, Hex, and Astera because they were a..... little behind on there studies, other than Sting because I studied with him to show him how to do it and everything and it was a good review for me too.)

~I started writing down everything, 40 mins later I had everything done, I raised my hand for a teacher to come and see me~

Mrs. Mirajane whispered " Yes Autumn?"

I said " Um I was wondering what you do with it when you finished?"

Mrs. Mirajane whispered " Oh your done? ~grabs book and looks through see that every question was done~ Oh ok thanks for finishing you can wait here or leave if you want."

I said " I'll stay Sting is my ride so yea I have to wait" (as soon as I said that thou Sting raised his hand to get someone to take his test)

Sting's Pov

(After raising my hand I see Mrs. Evergreen come over to me to see wants up)

Mrs. Ever said " Yes Sting? Are you done?"

I said " Yea here ~handing Mrs. Evergreen the test~"

Mrs. Ever said " Ok thanks you can leave or wait"

I said " Is Autumn done? Because if she is we can leave now."

Mrs. Ever said " Um give me a sec, I'll see if she is." ~walking to Autumn~

(I hear them talking and I see Autumn getting up and start walking to the door, and Mrs. Evergreen tolled me she was so I walked to the exit, and see Autumn waiting)

Autumn said " Ok so you were done when I was talking to Mrs. Mirajane."

I said "Yea, So what now?"

Autumn said "let's go get some foo---- ~getting cut off by Astera, Hex, and Cas~

All three say " Come we come too, please?"

Autumn said "Um we only have a car with two chairs, so you can't sorry."

All three say " AWWW BUT WHY!?!? ~while running outside and going to their houses~"

I said " Well than, shall we go than?"

Autumn said "Totally ~smiling~"

After getting food at DQ

Autumn's Pov

(Time for a break now, just laying down on my bed with Sting in it passes out already... I wasn't suprized by it thou because it's normal now that Sting passes out as soon as he touches this bed.

Anyways it was 9 at night by than so I decided to finally fall asleep.)

Next morning

(I decided to make some breakfast before we get to are results, Bacon and Eggs like normal. So what I did was put some toast with it, and some like French fry toast, like a patty of french fries. I heard footsteps from upstairs mean Sting was up, he always gets up when he smells Bacon and Eggs.)


I said "Yep I made some toast and some like patty French fries"

Sting said " I see, well after this are we going to see are test scores?"

I say " Well yea, I hope we both get summer break. ~smiling~ "

Sting said " Yea me too because we can do this all day ~grabs Autumn and starts kissing her~"

(I paused the kiss for now because I wanted to see score before we started making out. Me and Sting started walking to the school and see scores, there was a lot of people so it was long to get to the scores.)


(We finally made it to the scores, I searched my score I got every point on it... no suprize, than I look at Astera's, Hex's, and Cas Astera and Hex almost didn't get summer break, Cas was one of the top 3, so it was me, than someone and Cas, so I looked at Sting's score and he was the 2 one of the top 3. I was happy for him, It mean't her got it so yea.... than I got stuck in a Make Out session with Sting and everyone was staring it scared me a lot thats how bad it was.

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