Chapter 3: Thunder

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"In your... bed?" He asked.

She saw his face starting to turn red.

"I-It's ok if you don't! We can always make a pillow and blanket fort on the floor. Or we... could watch it on the chaise." She stammered.

He looked at the floor and then to the chaise. The floor wouldn't be that comfortable and it would be a little cold. The chaise would be better than the floor, though they would be a little too close for comfort on the chaise for a movie, she would basically have to lean on his chest while they watched to fit.

"No... it's alright. You grab the laptop and I'll grab all the blankets and pillows I can find. We will make this the happiest bed sleepover ever." Chat gave a slight chuckle.

Marinette laughed and nodded. She grabbed her laptop and climbed up to her bed. She laid on her stomach and put the laptop in front of her, her hands holding her head propped up. Chat jumped up after clicking the lights off and pouring all the blankets he found on top of her, hearing her giggle underneath. She threw some blankets on top of him once he laid down beside her, watching his face turn into a laugh. After they were comfortable in their new homes for the night, Marinette clicked open Netflix and went to comedy, thinking after the rough day they had they both needed it.

"What about that one?" Chat said, pointing to a movie thumbnail.

"Chat that's a Comedy Romance." Marinette giggled.

"You don't like them? I would say I'm purr-tty good in the love department." He chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.

"Ugh, fine cat boy. If we fall asleep before the comedy, you are buying dinner." Marinette laughed.

They both laughed and pressed the play button. As the movie progressed, so did their drowsiness. Marinette could feel her head become heavier with every passing minute. She yawned and turned toward Chat noir, who was struggling to stay awake as well. He turned to look at Marinette and found themselves inches away from one another. Marinette's eyes went from Cat's eyes down to his lips as her mind went blank. Flashes of Adrien popped into her head, making her turn back to the screen blushing. Chat noir turned back to the movie a little flustered as well. Just as they both turned their eyes to the screen the movie went dark, as well as the streetlights outside, followed by a crack of thunder. Marinette heard Chat yell out in panic when everything turned pitch black.

"Are... you alright Chat noir?"

"Ju...Just fine. Don't worry about me. I'll protect you, princess." She heard him say in the dark, though she couldn't see him.

She felt something warm touch her shoulder, he was leaning on her. She felt him shake every time the thunder cracked. Was he afraid of storms? He didn't flinch when Stormy weather was tossing lightning around at him. Lightning zipped across the sky and revealed for half of a second that he wore a terrified face, full of worry.

"Are you afraid of thunderstorms?" Marinette asked.

She felt him nudge closer with another shock of thunder, ringing in their ears like surround sound. Huh. Adrien was afraid of thunderstorms. This was news to her.

Marinette took a breath in and wrapped her arm around his waist, leaning her head against his. Her face was hot and could have sworn that he tensed up when she hugged him.

"Marinette? Are you afraid of thunderstorms?" She heard him ask in the darkness.

"No, but I can tell you are. How come you're afraid of them?"

"Terrible things happen during thunderstorms. I know from experience."

She felt him adjust himself and felt him leaning more into her. Marinette closed her eyes and let a soft smile form. She was comforting her partner, her friend, her... crush.

Thunderstorms Series: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now