Chapter 10: The Fashion show

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"Well what should we-"

They heard footsteps approaching and Adrien jumped down from her bed, now that it was made perfectly, and opened the latch for her as the footsteps got closer. Marinette popped her head around the latch and smiled, holding two cups of orange juice and some breakfast in her other hand. It was almost as if she were balancing and juggling them like the people in the circus would do.

"Let me help you." Adrien smiled, seeing she was struggling not to drop them.

He took the two glasses of orange juice she stashed in between her arm and her side and saw her get a little more comfortable as she adjusted her balance. Marinette sat the plates down on the side table and sat down, watching him do the same with the orange juice.

"I'm surprised you stayed," Marinette said, taking a bite of bacon from off of her plate.

"Huh? What do you mean? We have your designs to work on. Why wouldn't I stay?" Adrien said, a little confused by her statement.

"Hm.. you usually sneak out of here before I wake up kitty." She felt her cheeks blush as she gave him Chat noir's nickname and took another bite of her breakfast.

"Oh... Nah, I was just... scared of my feelings for you because I still had feelings for Ladybug." Adrien said, feeling a little exposed.

"It's alright Adrien." Marinette teased.

They ate their breakfast while lightly flirting back and forth, but soon to get more serious as they started working on her designs that were due that night at 5 pm. It was currently 9:30 am.

Adrien helped hand stitch the best he could while Marinette sped through the machine like a pro.

How did she do that?

Adrien looked down at his hand stitching and wasn't pleased with its outcome, though he pressed on, knowing that he needed to help her since it was his fault she said yes to the date.

Hours of work went by when Adrien finally got the courage to ask about the elephant in the room.

"Your side." Adrien began, stitching as he talked.

"What about it?" Marinette said, still sewing on her sewing machine, not turning her head.

"Is it any better?" Adrien smiled as he finished his stitch and handed it to Marinette who grabbed it from him and smiled.

"I... don't know. I haven't looked." She said, still working on her fabric.

"Can we take a ten-minute break? Please?" Adrien pleaded, wishing she would so he could check on her.

"I'm almost done though. Want to go get us some lunch while I finish this up? I may be done when you get back." Marinette smiled.

Lunch? What time was it? Huh? It was already 3:45! How did time fly by so fast!?

Adrien nodded, jumped up on the balcony, transformed, and disappeared into the streets of Paris, a little excited about surprising her with what he was going to pick up for them to eat for lunch. Marinette continued to work on her designs, really wanting everything to turn out alright. She fantasized about winning the fashion show, getting dinner with Adrien, and ending it with Chat noir in her room that night again, watching their favorite movie together.

A little while later, Chat noir popped in with two bags of food. Marinette smiled and held up her designs that were now fully finished and in just the knick of time. It was about 4:15 when he had returned with food.

"Wow Marinette, those look great! You're going to win for sure!" Chat said, his ear perked up with excitement as he sat their food down on the table.

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