n i n e

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this continues from the last chapter's cliffhanger :)
this is probably the longest chapter i've written and i had a lot of fun doing writing it so enjoy!

Y/N's POV:
Louis lifted his hand, allowing me to see a tiny balcony turned into a sort of cubbyhole.

"It's The Nook... well, sort of." Louis explained. My mouth dropped open at the mention of that. The Nook was a cozy treehouse in my garden that Louis and I hung out in for years. Louis had hung up a red sign with 'The Nook' scribbled on it, replicating the one in the original nook. "We aren't allowed in the forest so I did this instead of a treehouse."

The candle-lit Nook had an extremely pleasant fragrance that matched the one from the bouquet Louis gave me earlier. "Are the candles lavender?" I asked.

"Yeah, I knew you liked the smell and incase you get chilly." I shot him a grateful smile.

The uneven ceiling was trimmed with peculiar, gold 'fairy-lights'. Louis had set up a cozy area in the corner, covered with blankets and pillows. The Nook was so tiny, I had to kneel down and awkwardly walk on my knees. Over at the balcony, there was a plate of Chocolate Frogs and colourful fudge - both undoubtedly from Honeydukes. Next to the plate was a bottle of unfamiliar, metallic pink liquid; it had little flower petals and iridescent sparkles swirling in it. There were two golden goblets neatly lined up beside it. There were also strawberries and blueberries! The extravagant picnic was set on a lovely, gingham picnic blanket.

When I looked up from admiring it, I caught Louis' eyes dreamily staring at me. However, he looked away and flushed a bright shade of pink. I could also feel my cheeks turning that colour.

"Y/N." He said abruptly, now less pink. "I've been waiting to tell you for, erm, a while now."

"Yeah?" I said softly. "Just say it."

"Well, uh, ever since I returned to Britain, I realised that I... liked you. More than friends do, I mean." It was silent for a moment as I realised how much I liked him too. How, perhaps, this wasn't a teeny tiny crush. How, perhaps, Pansy was right. That we did look at each other differently. "Erm, Y/N?" I jumped a bit as I was suddenly pulled back to reality. "Do you... feel the same way?"

"Yes!" I jumped over and hugged Louis, wrapping my arms around his body. I could feel his body loosen up and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Would you like to go to the ball with me?" He whispered.

"Of course, I'd love to."

"Then... may I?" He said, eyeing my lips.

Without answering, I pulled him closer, planting a kiss on his soft lips. His eyes widened, stunned at my bold move but I kissed him again before he could fully react.

"I'm starving!" I said as I pulled away. Louis looked slightly disappointed but started grinning when he presented all his food. I shuffled into a spot on the picnic blanket opposite to him. "What's this?" I asked, pointing at the intriguing drink.

"'Rosamora Tea'. We drank it all the time at Beauxbatons. You know what Rosamoras are, right?" I shook my head. Louis was outstanding at Herbology where as I would say that I was just an ordinary student. "Rosamoras are pink, magical flowers native to Northwestern Europe, however, they're most commonly found in France. They grew a ton at Beauxbatons. Apparently they have healing powers and are good for your skin."

'No wonder Louis' skin is so perfect' I thought.

He poured a bit in each goblet and handed one to me. "Ready, Y/N?"

when you returned | HP x Louis Partridge x readerWhere stories live. Discover now