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When Sidney and I headed back towards the house on the horses, we went slow and took a longer way around to get there.

"Do you think I'm too rough with you?" Sidney asked, looking agonized.

I laughed. "What?"

"That James guy," he started. "He suspected I was hurting you because of the bruises on your arms."

"Sidney, those bruises are from the fall when I was with Onyx. You didn't do anything," I assured.

He stopped his horse and looked down like he was thinking hard about something. "I know I've gotten rough with you a few times. You can't tell me the scratches on your back were from the fall. That's from the wood I pushed you up against when we were in the woodshed. If I'm hurting you, I want you to tell me. Sometimes I get carried away and don't really think straight. I guess that whole saying that men have a one-track mind is true. I just don't want to hurt you."

I backed up my horse and came around next to him. "Look at me," I ordered. He rose his eyes, but he still seemed upset with himself. "You have never done anything to me to make me believe you were abusive. Just because you get passionate during sex, does not mean you're hurting me. Quite frankly, I sometimes enjoy the rougher sex we have." I placed my hand on his leg and leaned over towards him. "In the woodshed was quite enjoyable."

He chuckled then tangled his hand in my hair and leaned in to give me a kiss. "I'll keep that in mind," he said.

"Please do," I giggled and kissed him again.

We straightened the horses and continued our way back to the house. We got the horses put up and checked in on all the other horses. Sidney said the last pregnant horse was showing signs of foaling soon. I was eager to see another foal come into the world. I checked in on Onyx and even went to spend a little time with Lucy Girl. Sidney came and found me after doing some chores and took my hand before we headed back towards the house. Georgiana and Luke as well as Mr. Crowe and Clara were still gone. Sidney and I walked into an empty house and for a moment gave each other a look as if questioning whether or not to just head to bed. He spun me towards him and wrapped me in his arms, giving me a passionate kiss. I giggled against his lips and pulled away before things got too heavy.

"I think I hear a car coming up the road," I pointed out. He groaned and dropped his head against my shoulder.

"I guess I'll go take a shower instead," he grumbled.

"A cold shower?" I teased.

He shook his head. "With you, cold showers don't help," he laughed.

"Later?" I offered with a gentle kiss.

"I'm going to hold you to that," he said, giving me one last kiss before heading upstairs for a shower.

I took a deep breath and truly considered following him upstairs to join him in his shower. I glanced out the window and saw it was Luke and Georgiana who had returned. Luke had parked one of the ranch trucks down by the barn and started to unload some supplies. I noticed Georgiana hung around watching him. I had to laugh just a little. The whole way Georgiana and Luke's relationship was developing was so much like mine and Sidney's. I knew she said she wasn't looking for a relationship with anyone, which was probably a good thing, but she seemed to really enjoy Luke's company.

I went into the kitchen and started cutting up some vegetables for dinner and kept a close eye on Luke and Georgiana out the window.

I was at the sink, washing potatoes when Sidney came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed the back of my neck and moaned against my ear. "I was sort of hoping you might join me for a shower," he hummed, pulling the strap of my shirt and bra down to kiss my shoulder.

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