In A Tractor

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I was awoken by light kisses along my shoulder and a gentle hand sneaking under the sheet across my naked side. "Charlotte," he whispered. Just hearing his voice made me smile. I rolled in the bed and saw him staring down at me with a crooked grin on his face. He placed his hand on my tummy and gently brushed his thumb across my bare skin. "Good morning."

I smiled and stretched my arms upward to stretch, purposely exposing my breasts from the sheet half covering me. "Good morning." His eyes wandered my body with longing eyes.

"I just wanted to wake you to tell you I need to go to work," he said. "I didn't want you waking up and wondering where I was again."

I reached up and brushed my fingers against his chin. Since he'd been here with me at night, he clearly hadn't shaved for a few days. I let my fingers trail down his neck and across his chest. He had a different shirt on than he did when he showed up last night. Clearly, he had brought a change of clothing when he came. I smiled at the thought of him packing a bag to come stay with me. His hair was visibly damp, which meant he took a shower. I wondered if he also brought his toothbrush and if he would leave it here. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost nine," he answered.

"Sidney!" I said with a start and slightly sitting up on the bed. "Most everyone starts arriving as early as seven during the busy summer months."

He shrugged his shoulders and chuckled a little. "I sort of forgot to set an alarm. I'll make sure not to claim the hours, boss," he teased.

"That's not what I'm worried about," I said. "Everyone is going to know you're here. How are you planning to explain it this time?"

He brushed a strand of hair out of my face and grinned happily. "The truth."

"You're going to tell everyone that you're sleeping with the boss?" I asked sarcastically.

"Not in those exact words, but if someone asks, I don't plan to deny it. I think most everyone suspects anyway."

"I thought you were worried everyone was going to think you had ulterior motives?"

"What sort of ulterior motives could I possibly have?" he asked, leaning in to kiss me. I let my hand snake around his neck and hold him to me. I started to lay back on the pillow, pulling him down with me.

He laughed against my lips and tried to pull away, even though I made it very hard for him to do so. "Charlotte, I really do need to go. I'll see you later, though."

I huffed and fell back on the pillow, begrudgingly releasing him from my hold. "Are you going to be at the arena today?" I asked.

He sighed and ran a finger against my bottom lip. "No. We have to finish up the hay. I'll be out in the fields most of the day."

I frowned, knowing that meant I wouldn't see him for most of the day. He chuckled at my pouting face and gave me another kiss. "Maybe tomorrow we can work with Lucy Girl."

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"I think I can make it work," he agreed. "I should get going. You should try to get some more sleep. I've kept you up late the last two nights."

"I didn't mind," I said as seductively as I could.

He laughed, leaning in to give me another longing kiss. When he pulled away from the kiss, he let his lips remain, brushing against mine. "I might want to keep you up late again tonight. You'll need your energy," he whispered. I whined at the thought. I wished so badly he'd just stay. He was already late to work. Was it really a big deal if he was a little later? "I'll see you later." He pulled away and started to walk out the door. So much of me wanted to chase after him and demand he stay, but I knew he had commitments and took his responsibilities at the ranch far too seriously.

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