Chapter 5: Grand Tour

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**Content warning: mild sexual humor**

~Prince George of the Kingdom of Flor~

[3000 words]

Our first stop along the grand tour of the Florean Kingdom's castle was the royal dungeon. Footsteps echoed in the stairwell chamber as Dream and I descended a spiral staircase underground. Although Dream had not yet spoken, except to answer my occasional questions, I sensed his curiosity about our destination. My breath billowed before my face in the frigid temperature. When I glanced backward, the new Heir Guard's teal eyes sharpened with interest. Hoping to end the awkwardly one-sided nature of our conversation, I added, "You can talk to me, you know. You don't have to wait for me to ask you a question to speak."

My permission opened the floodgates. Immediately queries poured from Dream's lips in a flurry. "Oh, okay, awesome! Thank you for letting me know, Your Highness, Prince George. This castle is huge! Also, where are we going? It's so cold down here!"

Slightly dizzy from the sudden overload of exclamations, I answered, "We're going to your quarters. They're, uh, located away from the other guards' quarters, but our castle's service staff furnished them so you can live down here."

"Why are my quarters separate?" He added hastily, "Not that I mind if they're separate, Your Highness."

"The guards said they would be uncomfortable," I explained apprehensively, voice wavering slightly. "The decision surprised me, too, but the king and queen agreed with the guards. They probably only want to be apart because you're new."

"Okay," the Heir Guard accepted. He sensed my lie, but did not press the issue. Both of us recognized the separation was due to Dream's background; silently I thanked the newcomer for refraining from dampening the rest of the tour by mentioning it. "Where will I stay, then?"

"The castle dungeon." When Dream hummed with surprise, I added hastily, "Don't worry, you won't be chained up or locked inside or anything. No one's been imprisoned in the dungeon for at least a year. There are cots and storage areas and everything. You'll see." Gritting my teeth, I stifled my rambling explanation and wished I were more socially adept.

"No worries," Dream reassured politely. "I'm sure it will be far better than sleeping outside. No wind chill, no wild animals. The dungeon will be fine."

When I led my new Heir Guard to the base of the spiral staircase, our boots thumped upon the damp stone floor. Hairs bristled along my forearms and neck while a cold sweat cooled my underarms and chest. My mouth opened, preparing to apologize a second time for the rough housing, when Dream spoke first,

"Woah, this is awesome! I have an entire dungeon to myself!"

Departing from my side, Dream jogged forward. After spinning in a brief dance, he strutted through the underground space, peering into the grimy jail cells which lined both sides of the chamber. "Empty, empty, empty," he murmured to himself as he eagerly scanned each of the dungeon's cramped cells. Finally, he reached the larger jail cell located at the end of the wide hallway. In the back of the dungeon, furthest from the candles which lit the gloomy chamber, Dream leaned forward to investigate. "Oh, this one has stuff in it!"

Following my Heir Guard toward the furnished area of the dungeon, I observed the sizable jail cell for the first time. Heavily I breathed the dungeon's stuffy air, remembering the space contained only a single window to the outside near the ceiling, purely for ventilation. Within the large jail cell's stone walls resided a single iron cot, sporting a thin mattress and bed sheet. Against another wall sat a small wooden dresser, and a similarly meager spruce chair jutted from where rusty bolts attached it to the dripping wall. Straw littered the stone floor, smelling of mildew and mold. In the corner dwelled a latrine pit, a bar of soap, and a bucket of fresh drinking water. No carpets, no candles, no closets, and no paintings. Speechless from the paltry furnishings, I gawked.

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