Im Not Wearing a Dress Part II (Samton)

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Nikki adjusted her hair, this is it. The day she has been planning for over a year has arrived, her wedding day. All of their teammates are here (Chicago Red Stars (some old ones too) and Sam’s Matilda team).

“For fuck sake Stanton! I’ve only just done that” Casey said. Nikki stopped moving her hair.

“Sorry, I’m just nervous. I’m marrying the woman of my dreams” Nikki said looking at the woman through the mirror.

“I wasn’t this nervous when I married Christen” Julie said, giving her a sincere smile.

“that’s because you’re both cinnamon rolls JJ” Morgan laughed.

“shut up Morgan, leave my wife alone” Christen said, entering the room. She smiled at Julie and kissed her “hey baby girl”.

“Hey sweetie” she smiles back. “how’s Sam doing?” the blonde asked.

“She seems fine to me” she replied simply.

“See you’re the only one having gay panic, relax a little” Morgan remarked.

“fuck off Morgan” Nikki said.

Meanwhile, Sam stood in front of the mirror and smiled.

“Damn Kerr, Look at you. How you feeling?” Caitlin asked.

“I feel great, confident even” she replied, adjusting her bow tie.

“Not even a little bit nervous?” Sam shook her head.

“Nope, not even when I’m marrying a smoking hot girl” Sam said. Caitlin laughed, she patted Sam on the back.

“Go get em Tiger” They shared a quick smile before walking down the front, waiting for the blonde.

“Are you ready sweetheart” Nikki's father said, holding out his arm. Nicki notes before looping her arm with her fathers. He smiled before they walked down the aisle, sons face lit up at the blondes appearance ‘Wow, I’m marrying a literal Princess' Some thought. She held her handout for the blonde to grab. Nikki kissed her father’s cheek before holding onto the hand the Aussie was providing. Her father patted Sam on the back and smiled at the Australian.

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of this lovely couple – Do you, Samantha May Kerr, take Nicole Leslie Stanton to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to cherish untill death do you part?” the officiant spoke.

“I do” Sam smiled.

“Do you, Nicole Leslie Stanton, take Samantha May Kerr To be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to cherish until death do you part?”.

“You bet I do” she said.

“I now pronounce you wife and wife, you may kiss one another” they smiled at each other before proceeding to kiss. Cheers and claps were heard in the background.

Sam kissed Nikki's neck, who let out a satisfied moan.

“Right there baby” the blonde breathed out, Sam smirked. she sucked on the particular spot promoting another moan from the blonde. Sam moved her lips from the defender’s neck And took her shirt off before pulling Nikki’s dress off and kissing down her chest.

“For fuck sake, this is the Kitchen!” Sam groaned loudly.

“Get the fuck out man!” Morgan laughed, grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge and retreating to the living room.

“Fucking cockblock why does she keep doing that!” Sam Whined.

“Perfect timing I guess. She is right though, let’s go to the bedroom and finish this” she said, putting her dress back on.

“True, it would look better on the bedroom floor” Sam smirked. Nikki rolled her eyes, grabbing her wife’s hand before heading for the stairs.

“Have fun ladies!” Morgan shouted from the living room.

“Morgan, leave them alone” Christen said.

“fuck you Morgan, thanks Press” Nikki said.

“We were just leaving anyway” Julie said, standing up pulling Christen up with her.

“We are? I thought we were going to watch RuPaul’s Drag Race together” Julie gave Morgan a look. “fine, fine but you owe me a watch party when we around again” Morgan said, all three of them leaving the house.

“Now, where were we?” the Australian said.

“I don’t know, why don’t you show me?” Nikki said, teasing the woman.

“Gladly” the Aussie said, smirking before proceeding to their bedroom for the night.

Hi everyone, it’s been a while and I regret that but hopefully, you liked part 2 of my Samton fanfic. Until next time.

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