What Are You Drinking? (O'Solo)

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Here Hope Solo was, In the bar, drinking beer, on her own, washing her sorrows away. She felt eyes on her all night. Hope sighs. She glances towards the waiting eyes to find a small young adult, freckles splashed on her cheeks and a smile onto her lips. This woman was pretty Hope had to admit but she didn’t like the way she’s staring.

“Can I help you?” Hope said. The girl looked startled.

“Oh my god, sorry it’s just you look so pretty, and I was attracted, and I just wanted to- “

“Look, I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to waste my life away and forget my sorrows in this drink. So, if you don’t mind, I would like to go back to my sadness and my beer” Hope said. The woman looked sad, she bit onto her lip and looked down.

“I-uh, I’m sorry I’ll just, yeah. Sorry” the woman was about to walk away when Hope had a feeling of guilt deep inside of her.

“No, stay. I’m just not in the right mood right now. I’ve had a very stressful week and I really need to load it off right now. I didn’t mean to lash out at you” Hope apologised. The woman turned to look at Hope, a smile on her face.

“What’s your name? I’m Kelley O’Hara” The woman held her hand out. Hope looked at the hand and paused for a moment before taking it in her own.

“Hope Solo” she replied. Kelley turned her head to her side. “Before you may ask. Yes, I am named after Han Solo” Hope stated.

“That’s cool. I’m not named after anything apart from my middle name is my grandmas’ name. I’m am of Irish heritage though” Kelley explained. Hope was about to take a drink of her beer to see that it’s empty.

“What are you drinking?” Kelley asked.

“Coors light, why?” Hope questions Kelley, Kelley took the glass from Hope’s hand, picked up her own and went to the bar. Hope looked at Kelley with a studious look. This woman who she has only just met is being this nice to her? Kelley soon came back with her and Hope’s drinks.

“Thanks. You didn’t need to do that. I could have easily brought one myself” Hope said.

“I know, but I wanted to do something nice since your being friendly with me. Most people would have stopped talking to me by now since I’m so annoying. So, are you here alone or are you with someone?” Kelley asked. Hope took a sip of her drink and shook her head.

“Nope, but as I say, I came here to be alone. I don’t mind the company though. I can say I’m with someone now. What about you, did you come here with anyone?” Hope replied. Kelley laughed.

“Smooth, I give you credit for that one. I like a girl who can seduce me. Yeah, my friends, they come to this bar every other week so I decided to come along, I didn’t know that someone like you was going to be here or else I would have put perfume on” Kelley replied. Hope smiled a little.

“That one was smooth. So where are your friends?” Hope asked. Kelley pointed to a corner, which contained a girl with tied up dark brown hair, caramel skin, wearing a t-shirt with jeans, she had her arm around a fair skinned, blonde haired girl who was wearing a crop top with a short skirt. On the opposed side were two tanned, dark-haired girls, one wearing a black dress, and the other girl wearing a snapback, with a jean jacket on with ripped black jeans. The girls were laughing at something the girl in the dress said. The girls looked at Kelley who waved at them. Kelley smiled and waved back.

“Getting some Worm?” The girl in the dress said, in a raspy voice. Hope looked at her, noticing pink bands on her arm. Kelley stuck her tongue out at the girl.

“Only because you would not let me go until you made me talk to Hope. If we were at your home I would have to leave since the sexual tension between you and Tobin is so thick it chokes me” the girl laugh.

“Geez Kelley, what did I do?” the girl with the snap back, hope presumed it was Tobin said.

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